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BUG 10.3.1 - My Groups: Folder Name Truncated After Restart of Accordance

Matt Fredenburg

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Created a group named 'Bible - Outlines & Overviews & Readings' which appeared in 'My Groups' just fine:



Restarted Accordance, the just-created group (and some others) name had been truncated/changed:




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I note that Workspace names are so limited, too. I don't know if it's 32 characters, but I've had long-named ones truncated.

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Perhaps, R., you and I both still live in fear of those days, given our forum names.

Actually, I just have heard too many butcherings of Kielsmeier-Jones, and figure K-J will be easier for folks... though I even get "textual variants" in that case, too!


Though not a single airline will print my full name on my ticket. KIELSMEIER-JONE is the longest I think I've gotten.

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I don't think that's a bug. I think there's a 32-character limit.

Hi Rick, there might be a 32 character limit, however, I would say that there is a bug in the sense that when you create the group it displays properly, and then when you re-open Accordance it's been truncated, i.e. if it only allows 32 characters (which would be a shame), then it should only allow you to enter 32 characters I would think.



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I think "bug" is not-to-be-expected behavior, i.e., is inconsistent with how the program is *supposed to* or intended to work. In this sense, if Rick is right, then the program is working "properly," so not a bug. Also (and I'm not trying to be petty), the all caps in the subject line (for "bug") probably isn't needed--the Accordance staff pays good attention to the forums, and just placing a topic in "Bug Swatters" (as you have) is enough.


However, it does seem we are long past (or should be long past) the days of character limits, so I think this is a worthy feature request that Accordance do away with character limits, both here and in workspace names, etc. I think even MS Word doesn't have the character limits it once did.

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Hi ya,


I can repro. this and apparently the limit is 31 chars. as My012345678901234567890123456789 returns as My01234567890123456789012345678 after restart.

Its not a very serious bug but it is one. One issue that is a little concerning is that you can create two groups that truncate to the same value. But they remain distinct but in the Add to User Group pull down you then have two entries that look the same. There does not appear to be a file system counterpart to this group name so I don't know where the limit comes from. Perhaps there used to be a folder or link created.


I haven't tried this on Mac so I don't know if its generic.




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Hi ya,


I can repro. this and apparently the limit is 31 chars. as My012345678901234567890123456789 returns as My01234567890123456789012345678 after restart.

Its not a very serious bug but it is one. One issue that is a little concerning is that you can create two groups that truncate to the same value. But they remain distinct but in the Add to User Group pull down you then have two entries that look the same. There does not appear to be a file system counterpart to this group name so I don't know where the limit comes from. Perhaps there used to be a folder or link created.


I haven't tried this on Mac so I don't know if its generic.




Great points about this particular bug Daniel. The 31 character limit is probably due to one character slot being used by the terminating null, now we are going a ways back!



Edited by Matt Fredenburg
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I thought that too - ah the joys of C.




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By the way, the 31 character (not 32--I stand corrected) limit can be found other places such as user tools where I've run into it before. I've not run into it on user Bibles or user notes, but I wouldn't be surprised if it exists there, too.


As an aside, isn't it funny that back in the day, Mac users with their 32-character file names thought they were so superior to DOS/Windows that were limited to 8 characters (before Windows 95 introduced 256 character file names). Now, even the 32 character file names seem so limiting!

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OK, this seems to be 'fixed,' however, if the limit is going to be the antiquated 31 characters, the program should at least truncate to 31 characters what the user has entered. e.g., I just went to modify 'Bible - Notes, Guides, & Cross' to 'Bible - Notes, Guides, & Cross References'. This time, Accordance informed me that I could have no more than 31 characters, but then dropped me back to editing the group name precisely where I was. As the user, I'm now left to count characters or engage in trial and error. In actuality, if we're going to be limited to 31 characters (which is unfortunate!), then when entering text into the group folder name, Accordance should beep or something and not allow any more characters to be entered.



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