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Upgrade of User Notes needs priority!


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I have been a long time user of Accordance and have watched many upgrades to the program. It is unquestionably the best thing available, and I love using the program. What amazes me is that over the years no attention has been given to the user notes portion of this program. Anyone who wants to do even a simple outline that formats correctly finds it impossible.


Why, oh why, has this been ignored? Giving the notes window the ability to format text as one would in any word processor should have been a basic feature of this program from the beginning. While I am at it, let me mention one more thing. I upgraded to Accordance 10 with great expectations of using my iPad when I take notes in church or sunday classes, only to find that if you edit a note on the iPad even the rudimentary formatting placed in your note is wiped away. Unbelievable. I lose all my reference links, Yikes!


I was encouraged by looking over the posts about user notes that others want this feature fixed also, and in Acc 10 we now have basic font, color, size, emphasis and subscript, superscript tools on the tool bar in the notes window. Great! Now please finish the job. Give the program the ability to format text with rulers, outlining, and other abilities that will bring the notes up to the quality of the overall program.



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Thanks so much for sharing your need!


We have been very busy improving our software and resources at every level. Over the past several years we have developed an iOS app, completely redesigned the user interface in Accordance 10, added a host of new features, and are making rapid progress on our Windows app. I can assure you everyone here has been huffing and puffing to pull all this off.


That said, there are a few long term user requests that we haven't gotten to yet. User notes is probably the most obvious. It's not that we're ignoring all the requests for improvement, it's just that we haven't been able to get around to it yet. I'm told that we can expect some improvements in the near future, though I'm sure it will take us a while to add everything everyone would like.


Perhaps this picture will help. We don't have rows of computer programmers sitting in cubicles churning out bits of code, with someone at the top trying to assemble all the pieces into a kludge. We're more like an custom shop of artisans, where a few skilled craftsmen turn out incredible pieces of work that fit together like a watch. [i am thinking things like custom guitars, handguns, or jewelry, rather than the more common mass-produced production models.] It's part of the reason why Accordance is so elegant, powerful, and fast.


Could i ask you to be patient just a bit longer? I promise you it will be worth the wait.

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Your reply is encouraging and that is more than was forthcoming a few years ago when I asked the same question, and was told flatly there were no plans in the foreseeable future. To continue your artisan metaphore, if you produce a beautiful piece of art work but ignore the little flaw it reduces the value no matter how diligently you work on it. I agree, the product is awesome, but the finish has a blemish. I am so glad you realize it and are going to polish it away.




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I'm sad Chinese in the (iOS) notes is not supported yet, but I haven't updated the iOS Acc app yet.

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