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Maps: Define Site Layers

Olivier Zalmanski

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As you can see on the screenshot,

there is a bug in the display of the Maps "Define Site Layers" Window

(Accordance 10.0.1 and MacOS 10.8.1).




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I'm not getting this. Mine shows up as a dropdown window and is not cut off. How did you invoke the window?

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From the menu bar on the top: Display > Define Map Layers > Site Layers...

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Okay, I'm now able to reproduce this.

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From the menu bar on the top: Display > Define Map Layers > Site Layers...





I can replicate the truncated (but still functional) window if a text is active (as in your original post). If a map is active, the site layers window is of complete and normal size.


Accordance 10.0.1 under ML 10.8.1



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