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Unable to Save Unicode Windows or File Names


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I'd like to be able to save and name Accordance windows and Accordance files as Unicode Greek or Hebrew. While I'm able to rename these files in the Finder, I'm unable to save or rename windows with Greek/Hebrew letters from within Accordance. Attached is a typical folder with Greek and Hebrew files. Is this an OS or Accordance issue? Is a future solution on the way ? In an ideal world, Accordance windows would automatically name themselves based on the search string, and a save command would populate that window name into the new file name dialog (were it could be accepted, or changed) when saved to hard disk.


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Accordance does not handle Unicode, it only exports it, for now. I do not see a solution on the way, sorry.

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I believe this is a limitation of Carbon apps. Cocoa apps in OS X allow Unicode in the save dialogue box automatically (as they also allow Unicode in menus and everywhere else). This would be another area in which Accordance could benefit from switching to Cocoa!

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Recognizing that this feature is a long way off yet, being able to name files in Greek and Hebrew characters is something I would really appreciate, if it ever becomes a possibility.

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