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Window Bug


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I used the slide show option for the first time today and had my teaching notes in Pages while my Accordance slide show was on the LCD projector. I use a MacBook Pro 17 inch.

When I finished the presentation and unhooked the projector, only the edge of the Accordance window was visible on the Mac. This window could not be moved or enlarged. By using cmd-w I was able to close all the tabs (I think there were 17 for the slide show) and the slide show window and then I opened a new window which appeared properly.

I did not even think to try quitting and restarting Accordance, so I do not know if this would have temporarily worked around the problem.

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If you don't have mirroring on when you use the projector, it's best to turn it on before disconnecting the projector, and that should recenter your windows for you.

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