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Which Accordance package for a counselor & author?

Julie Ann Shoeman

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Hi Everyone! 


This is my first post but I know some of you since I relied heavily on some of your comments throughout many Accordance posts while I was doing bible software research on whether to go with Accordance or Logos. Thank you all for your feedback! I ultimately decided to go with Accordance, especially with Nathan Parker's feedback across different postings.

Now that I have decided to go with Accordance, I have been comparing several packages and ultimately have decided on the Triple Discoverers package due to the interactive maps and historical content. However, I am wondering if I should go with an English Learner package and add on the Graphics Learner Collection.  This approach would save a lot of money. I don't mind payments, but I prefer to pay outright and not deal with payments, especially for all the additional books I don't really care for in the Triple Discoverers package. 

For context: 
I am Deaf so I am highly visual. I plan to write fiction & nonfiction books based on fictional/real characters who "eventually" discover the benefits of having a relationship with Jesus and how it impacts their life. This will be set in historical settings, so having maps, historical "context" and "content" is very important to me, as well as basic Hebrew & Greek to guide my writing and character development.  I also benefit deeply from visuals while doing devotions. I also plan to preach and teach, mostly with women, teens, and children. A future goal is to publish bible study workbooks with an ASL component. 

I will be offering counseling to individuals with disabilities when I graduate this coming spring.  Logos offers a counseling bundle while Accordance doesn't. I see in different threads there are counseling books that can be purchased- hence why I was thinking of the cheaper option (English Learner + Graphics Collection) and add on counseling resources.  However, if the Triple Discovers is the best option, I don't mind adding counseling resources one-by-one over time.


Also- I don't understand if the graphics package has additional stuff that the Triple Discovers package doesn't have. There's no way to compare.  If I purchase Triple Discoverers and the Graphics package already has some of what Triple Discoverers has, is the price further discounted for the add on? 


If there are alternatives & suggestions, feel welcome to suggest. I'm open to anything. So excited to become part of the Accordance gang. 🙂

-Julie Ann 

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Hi Julie. Welcome. Do you need original languages? If you are not interested in Greek or Hebrew, i would be tempted by english starter and some sort of graphics.

When you buy additional packages, you get a bit of a discount for what you already own but it is more expensive but how much in any package will you actually use? But for visuals sacred bridge and the holman bible atlas are both excellent but not in packages as are things like cultural images of the holy land. Accordance has a number of other image packages and image resources so look at the store and see what fits your needs and at the bottom of the product page is a list of packages that resource is in so you may want to look at resources first and then see which packages is best. 

this shows each module in each package so you can compare. 

but my advice decide what you need and then look at each package and get the best fit and spend some time on the web site looking at what resources are available first.  The current web site isnt very good so it will take a lot of time. 


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Thank you @ukfraser  The graphics package add on won't work with a starter package. The minimum package would be the English Learner package (based on my understanding).  I used the comparison chart and that's how I settled on the Triple Discoverers package which has comprehensive history, atlases, and interactive maps.  The graphics package add on is not available for comparison.

The graphics add on page (https://www.accordancebible.com/product/graphics-learner-collection-accordance-13/) is confusing. It says it's for accordance 13 while I have accordance 14 (free version). Also, it doesn't mention which collection it is part of. 

To make things even more confusing, here's the Accordance page on atlases https://www.accordancebible.com/article/atlas-comparison/   It states "it's part of a package" but nowhere does it say which package it's part of. The comprehensive list of atlases also doesn't show which package they are part of.  

To answer your question concerning original languages- yes somewhat on a beginner's or intermediate level. Not so much to learn but more so with application. For instance, if I focus on different elements of worship, work, service for a bible study workbook. Naturally, in Hebrew, this means "Avodah" so I'd like the ability to go somewhat in-depth with the word Avodah yet not too deep for beginner/immediate learners. It's more of an introductory approach. Bottom line, I would like to ensure I'm applying the correct Hebrew or Greek word with its associated meaning while teaching or writing.  

-Julie Ann 

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Hi Julie, the Graphics package will work with the starter.. the graphics package is just a load of graphics resources so you need the core accordance tool. Unlike logos, the most basic accordance product has all the functionality you need. The reason i suggest the english starter is because of all the dictionaries. But even the most basic accordance starter is fine, and then just add what graphics you need. 


for languages, you might want to start with hebrew starter as that includes both a hebrew and greek text and basic lexicons. Not the best texts but it gives you a workable starter. 

as i said, the current web site is very poor. There is a lot of history over 13 and 14 but dont worry. It will


the atlas comparison is also rubbish as its totally incomplete and i have raised a thread to get it updated.


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It also depends on what sort of illustrations you are after.


There is a photoguide collection




but these are excellent photos



but also other image resources if you type in 'picture' for example you get this 




but then there are also these resources if you type in 'illustrated' and many other but they all come up on sale every now and then so it depends on your budget




its a shame that we no longer have the useful detailed categories and sub categories on the web site which break down the types of illustrated resources 

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@ukfraser Very helpful links! I hope this will also be beneficial for others who are asking the same questions as I am. You've certainly given me insight. 

I agree it is a shame with the lack of categorization.  Also, there are a lot of discrepancies as far as titles go. While creating this comparison chart, it's not clear if they are one and the same.   Can you offer feedback on this comparison chart I have created?  

With the missing sections for the starter + graphic bundle, can it be made up with the purchases with the links you supplied above?  This might be cheaper than the Triple Discoverer's package in the long run especially with so many tools in that particular package that I won't use.  I figure if I end up using more Hebrew & Greek than expected, the cost to purchase additional items is still cheaper than the Triple Discoverers package. I know I plan to purchase specific history books relevant to the books I write. 

Shoeman Julie Ann Graphic Chart_ 2024-09-05 at 6.17.05 PM.png

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2 hours ago, Julie Ann Shoeman said:

Hi Everyone! 


This is my first post but I know some of you since I relied heavily on some of your comments throughout many Accordance posts while I was doing bible software research on whether to go with Accordance or Logos. Thank you all for your feedback! I ultimately decided to go with Accordance, especially with Nathan Parker's feedback across different postings.

Now that I have decided to go with Accordance, I have been comparing several packages and ultimately have decided on the Triple Discoverers package due to the interactive maps and historical content. However, I am wondering if I should go with an English Learner package and add on the Graphics Learner Collection.  This approach would save a lot of money. I don't mind payments, but I prefer to pay outright and not deal with payments, especially for all the additional books I don't really care for in the Triple Discoverers package. 

For context: 
I am Deaf so I am highly visual. I plan to write fiction & nonfiction books based on fictional/real characters who "eventually" discover the benefits of having a relationship with Jesus and how it impacts their life. This will be set in historical settings, so having maps, historical "context" and "content" is very important to me, as well as basic Hebrew & Greek to guide my writing and character development.  I also benefit deeply from visuals while doing devotions. I also plan to preach and teach, mostly with women, teens, and children. A future goal is to publish bible study workbooks with an ASL component. 

I will be offering counseling to individuals with disabilities when I graduate this coming spring.  Logos offers a counseling bundle while Accordance doesn't. I see in different threads there are counseling books that can be purchased- hence why I was thinking of the cheaper option (English Learner + Graphics Collection) and add on counseling resources.  However, if the Triple Discovers is the best option, I don't mind adding counseling resources one-by-one over time.


Also- I don't understand if the graphics package has additional stuff that the Triple Discovers package doesn't have. There's no way to compare.  If I purchase Triple Discoverers and the Graphics package already has some of what Triple Discoverers has, is the price further discounted for the add on? 


If there are alternatives & suggestions, feel welcome to suggest. I'm open to anything. So excited to become part of the Accordance gang. 🙂

-Julie Ann 

I would also like to chime in and suggest maybe waiting for a sale to be offered. The Graphics Master goes on sale for around $400 from time to time, so it might be worth it to wait for that bargain. 


In addition, the Triple Discover is offered at 45% off sometimes. So for the price of the Triple Discover at retail, you could buy both within "roughly" the same total cost margin. 







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@Rick55 The Graphics Master is not available anymore. The only one available is the "Graphics" add on which is $99.  Currently I have 30% off since I am still a student. I don't believe the 30% applies to the bundle but to the package itself. That's good to know the Triple Discoverer is 45% off occasionally. Perhaps going with the Starter + Graphics add on and eventually upgrade to the Triple Discoverer with the 45% makes the most sense. 

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@Rick55 I stand corrected. There is indeed a "Graphics Master Collection" but it's only as an add on. It is confusing when they use the word "collection" for add ons but at the same time, label packages as collections (Triple Discoverer Collection or Starter Collection for example). There is no add on comparison chart and I had no idea it existed until you mentioned it.

There needs to be more correlations throughout the website, for instance "Considering a graphic package? Look at...... " with the list of all the graphics collections, add ons, and books available. This undoubtedly would increase sales. Also, I think it's important to be able to compare different add ons along with packages/actual collections. 

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Hi there and welcome to Accordance!


You could start with either English Starter, English Learner, or English Discoverer if you don't need a ton of Biblical Languages modules yet. You can add on the Hebrew and Greek Starters to get your feet wet with them, then plunge into more later on.


Triple Learner and Triple Discoverer are also great starter packages.


We do run regular sales on our Primary Collections, so it might be good to watch for them. 


The Graphics "Collections" are addons and don't include the Accordance engine (all the rest of our Primary Collections do). I'm trying to get the wording of those changed to "Graphics Addon Bundles" for clarity. We still offer Graphics Master, and I bought it as as Christmas present for myself one year. 


We have a wealth of Graphics options, so as others have mentioned, let us know what you're looking for and we can recommend stuff. Warning though: once you get them, you'll want to waste way too much time at your computer looking through them! :-)


Here's some counseling stuff that might interest you:






https://www.accordancebible.com/product/journal-of-biblical-counseling-vols-11-313-1977-2017/ This especially looks useful.


If there are any particular works you want me to create a demo video on, just holler. I like producing those. Those should be closed captioned.


Don't forget you can also attend our live webinars (there might be a way to watch them via closed captions, we can find out for you) to get 15% off coupons, plus we frequently offer 25% off coupons.


If there are any other questions you have, let us know! Feel free to also email sales. Jay and Michele are excellent!

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you could go for a starter (english OR hebrew) and just add the graphics discoverer




do you need all the other english and original language tools in the triple discoverer? Looking at what you highlighted in your chart, only you can decide. I have found that typically anything published by zondervan tends to be image rich. 

but really start small and decide what you need and get that. You get an atlas in starter with graphics add on, do you need the second? Views that have vanished is good but only $35 on its own. Look at what you need and then see if its worth getting a package or just grow as you need it. 

accordance typically use the terms starter, learner, discoverer to move up through the complexity of the package.


triple means you get english, original language and graphics bundled together.


graphics collection refers to a collection of graphics resources rather than part of a collection (though they are part of triple x).


so from your table you can just get the graphics discoverer and not the other two. But views that have vanished are in both. So do you need rose, 100 sites and a few of the others in the discover compared to the learner.


just scan down each package, click on the links to see the resources in the collection. 


for example there is a graphics learner package which may be all you need to get started with a photo collection or some other illustrated work if you dont need the other works in the discoverer set.



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@Dr. Nathan Parker



For prospective purchasers, what is the smallest purchase needed to get the Accordance engine?

Would it be the Accordance 14 upgrade? https://www.accordancebible.com/product/accordance-software-version-14/

Or would the free version already have the engine?


After getting the engine, is there anything else that the add-ons require to work?

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@ukfraser and @Lawrence thank you for your feedback.  @Dr. Nathan Parker  would you know the answer to these two posts above? I'm still wavering and trying to make a decision.   It's still not clear to me on the Accordance website with all the graphics packages. I wish there was a comparison chart for graphics. This part is really important to me as I will utilize it heavily in workbooks and sharing with the deaf community in sign language. 


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Julie Ann, it will take time but i suggest you make your own graphics comparison chart in excel or numbers building on the one you have above. I seem to remember including unit costs so i could work out what was the most cost effective way of building my library, but in those days sales were very infrequent.  But i would suggest you exclude any of the starter ones as you will need some sort of starter package for the accordance engine. (And i still think the hebrew would be the best starter, but there may well be a sale in the not too distant future for students starting their training.)

In your comparison chart, start with graphics  learner, then discoverer then pro, possibly add a column for the photo and a final column for any other graphics module you have come across. 
I would add the common ones side by side for easy comparison, unfortunately that are not listed that way, then colour them as to which you actually want.

As a starter, i have included a screenshots some of the  packages  so you get a flavour and ignore the two samplers as you will see you get both the full map and timeline in the interactive section which each starts with the atlas 2.2. But its far from complete so you really will have to compile your own!


that should help decide .


remember, if you got the learner and later decided you really needed discoverer, you can upgrade only paying for the new modules. It will be marginally more expensive to do that but during sales, it will be less painful, but it does help with building your library with what you need and you may find it better to just add individual resources once you have the core. 





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Basic Starter is our cheapest way to get the full Accordance engine. That will give you all of the features of Accordance, plus a starter collection of books.


At times, that's even the cheapest option to upgrade to Accordance 14 from a previous version.

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Everyone, thank you so much for all the guidance and support you provided. I hope this discussion will be beneficial for others who are looking for similar. Once I make a decision, I'll loop back here and let you guys know what I decided on. 🙂

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@ukfraser Great list. I like your idea to add all the items in a spreadsheet and compare. It's too bad Accordance doesn't have a graphics/media comparison tool. I think Logos/Accordance is missing out a huge market segment with digital creators & teachers who want to utilize graphics/visuals to share the word of God. I'm sure if either company created a "Digital Creator's Package, it'll sell very well. 

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I thought we had a tool that compared the various Graphics collections, as I used it in the past when I bought myself a Graphics Master for Christmas.

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3 hours ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

I thought we had a tool that compared the various Graphics collections,

Im pretty sure that was on the previous web site which had much better groupings with the content in alphabetical order and the search worked. So for example under graphics, the photos, interactive and atlases were each listed under the correct sub division, as was study bibles and commentaries.

Unlike the current web site with random order in random unhelpful categories and random totally unrelated items showing in search results. 

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I looked and can't find one at the moment. Would be fun to have a new one sometime. It was useful.

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Perfect!!!! Thanks @Rick55!

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@Julie Ann Shoeman Stay tuned to next week's sale as well. You might find some useful items on it. :-)

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