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Is there a product to learn teamim?


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I was curious if accordance has any products to learn teamim. I know there's a lot of free stuff online but I really like using Accordance. 

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Hi @blgriffin83,

As far as I am aware, there isn't a resource that truly seems to sit down and teach it. A few books mention cantillation marks in passing, but I don't think Accordance has a book like you are looking for. 

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9 hours ago, blgriffin83 said:

I was curious if accordance has any products to learn teamim. I know there's a lot of free stuff online but I really like using Accordance. 

Hello @blgriffin83 


The following Accordance module has a short section on the accents/cantillation marks:

BHS GUIDE A Simplified Guide to BHS*, Fourth Edition by William R. Scott Copyright © 1987 by BIBAL Press and William R. Scott All rights reserved. Electronic text hypertexted and prepared by OakTree Software, Inc. Version 1.2



Also, there is a much longer section on the accents in the following Accordance module:

GESENIUS’ HEBREW GRAMMAR (GKC)  Edited and enlarged by E. Kautzsch Second English edition by A. E. Cowley This electronic text can be distributed only by permission of OakTree Software, Inc. Electronic text hypertexted and prepared by OakTree Software, Inc. Version 3.2    




I also recommend two books on the subject:

(1) Art of Torah Cantillation, Vol. 1: A Step-by-Step Guide to Chanting Torah by Cantor Marshall Portnoy and Cantor Josee Wolff  



(2) Chanting the Hebrew Bible: The Complete Guide to the Art of Cantillation, by Joshua R. Jacobson







Edited by Brian K. Mitchell
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This might make for a fun webinar or eAcademy session if someone wanted to teach one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I "second" the recommendations of Portnoy/Wolff and Jacobson by @Brian K. Mitchell.


Honorable mentions also include:

  • Park, "The Fundamentals of Hebrew Accents"
  • Futato, "Basics of Hebrew Accents"

Probably the most definitive work in English is Yeivin's Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah. A clear copy is hard to get your hands on since there are no less than two types of degraded reprints, both of which circulate in far greater quantity than the original. I have, with permission, transcribed and annotated some sections, but not the sections on the accents.


In Hebrew, Breuer's Taamei Hamiqra (טעמי המקרא), 2nd edition (Jerusalem: Horeb, 1989) is considered by many to be the best.

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These would make great module requests if you haven't already. Some of them I'm already wanting to grab and read. :-)

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On 9/21/2024 at 3:00 AM, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

These would make great module requests if you haven't already. Some of them I'm already wanting to grab and read. 🙂

I think Yeivin's Introduction to the Tiberian Masorah has been requested before? But, the others I am more than sure have not been requested.

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