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Accordance Corrupted after Crash.


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@Dr. Nathan Parker, @Silas Marrs, @Billy32792  I'm not sure exaclty what happened, it was business as usual.  I opened up my Accordance and performed after using it awhile, I decided to check for any updates.  I noticed that all of my modules were listed for download.  I went back to my library thinking maybe they were somehow gone, but they weren't.  I wasn't sure what to think and though what could it hurt to hit the download all button.  After that is when the crash occurred.  I tried repeatedly to reopen Accordance but nothing happened.  I thought this was quite strange.  I rebooted my computer and then I was able to open Accordance up, but not without issues.  Oddly, none of my modules were installed.  I decided to uninstall Accordance and all associated files and folders and then reinstall it.  The same thing occurred.  Accordance would appear to install everything, but then when I would start it up, it would crash; and then it wouldn't open up unless I rebooted my computer.  I have not been able to use Accordance for the last couple of days as a result (so frustrating).


Anyways, if anyone on the programming side can take a look at the crash report and point me in the right direction or maybe attach a link for Accordance that works, I would greatly appreciate it.  Fyi.. I used the download link straight from the download section of the Accordance website.



2024-08-20 21:49:34

Accordance has encountered an unhandled exception.
The information in this file may help us fix this problem for a future version.

You can report this error by posting this file on our forums at:
Or emailing it to support@accordancebible.com
We hope to implement automatic error reporting soon.

Accordance 14.0.9 (
Windows 11 (10.0.22635)
RAM: 2760MB free of 7778MB total
Disc: 96GB free of 237GB total

Exception Description:
  EAccessViolation: Access violation
Exception Thread: 
  1-1-10816: Main Thread
Exception Backtrace: 

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I'd recommend emailing Tech Support directly. That way they can work with you one on one or schedule a screen share if you need it.

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@Billy32792, from tech support reached out to me via email.  There was some issue with my account having multiple logins which might have caused the issue. I am in the process of reinstalling Accordance, per Billy, hoping this resolves the issue.

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