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Transferring Accordance to new computer from an external drive backup


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I just transferred my data from a previous computer to a new computer using an external hard drive. Accordance files and settings did not correctly transfer. Is there a way to fix this?

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Hi @Vessoul1973,

Was this actually through a TimeMachine restore, or was it rather from manually transferring files to an external drive?

If it is from TimeMachine, I find it odd, as TimeMachine should set everything exactly how it was. If it was from manually transferring Accordance to an external drive, I would suspect that the problem is that not everything was transferred. The Accordance program is one thing, then there is the Accordance folder in documents. However, there is also a bunch of stuff from Accordance in the hidden library files of your Mac, which is where the settings are found. 

Assuming that is what happened, that the library files weren't transferred, whether it can be fixed or not would really be dependent on whether you still have access to the original computer or not. 


If you don't, I think you would unfortunately need to just re-do the settings. If you do have the old computer, I can let you know what I would do, but keep in mind this is just a thought.


1) I would completely shut Accordance on the new computer.
2) Then go to the old computer with a flash drive or something, and copy the Accordance library files onto it.
3) Bring the flash or whatever to the new computer, go into the Library, and make sure you add the files there exactly where they were on the old computer.
4) Restart Accordance on the new computer.

So again, that is just what I would do given your symptoms. I had a sort of similar issue awhile ago and this fixed it.

I hope this helps,


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thanks, got it figured out!


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