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Brian K. Mitchell

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One day you read or heard the claim that God is the only subject of the verb בָּרָ֣א in the Tanakh/Hebrew Bible. Now, you would like to test that claim.


Step one: Open a tagged text of the Hebrew Bible along with syntaxt tree of that same text

Step two: You started with Genesis 1:1 because you knew you would find בָּרָ֣א. 

Step three: examine the structure. You see that there is a Clause (L/A) containing a predicate(P) and a Subject (S).




Step four: open a linked construct search pane.

Step five: you create your search by imitating the structure of the syntaxt tree

You leave the subject column empty because so you can learn if בָּרָ֣א has subects other than God





Step six: You run the search

Step seven: you got 28 hits for this search




At this point you can quickly modify you search. You increase the depth level, change the perdicate, or anything else.


In another database you run basically the same search and you get 37 hits.

The reason for this might be that the Holmstedt hasn't been fully completed yet as it currently includes the entire Hebrew Bible with the exception of Isaiah 7-39, 56-66. Free upgrades are planned as additional books are completed, but eventually the entire Hebrew Bible will be available. OR, the reason for the difference might be a error or mistake in the way the search was set up or do to some other options.  However, I hate spoilers so I will leave it to you to figure this mystery out...





Regards and See you later!

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