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Obsidian — Convert Biblia.com and ESV.org scripture links into Accordance links


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I don't know who all will find this helpful, but it is useful to me so I thought I'd share it.


If you save web articles into Obsidian, many times they will scripture references that are linked to Biblia.com, ESV.org, etc...


I have made a way to convert all those links to Accordance direct links!


It uses the community plugin "Templater" and a template you set up with only the following text:


// Changes biblia.com, ESV.org, and Logos (Ref.ly) scripture links to Accordance direct links
// Also removes embedded Logos logo and direct links
var file = app.workspace.getActiveFile() 
var t = await app.vault.read(file) 
var s = t.replaceAll(/https:\/\/www.esv.org\/verses\/(\S*)\/\)/g, "accord://read/?" + "$1)").replaceAll(/https:\/\/biblia.com\/bible\/.*?\//g, "accord://read/?").replaceAll(/https:\/\/www.esv.org\/(\S*)\/\)/g, "accord://read/?" + "$1)").replaceAll(/https:\/\/ref.ly\/app\/bible\/[a-zA-Z]{3,4}\/(\S*)\)/g, "accord://read/?" + "$1))").replaceAll(/\[!\[.*logos.*libronix(\S*)\)/g, "")
app.vault.modify(file, s) 


It will convert markdown text like this:


[2 Corinthians 8:16–17](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/2%20Cor%208.16%E2%80%9317)
[Matt. 2:15](https://www.esv.org/Matt.%202%3A15/)
[Exod 20:13](https://ref.ly/app/bible/esv/Exod%2020.13)


into markdown text like this that opens directly into Accordance!


[2 Corinthians 8:16–17](accord://read/?2%20Cor%208.16%E2%80%9317)
[Matt. 2:15](accord://read/?Matt.%202%3A15)
[Exod 20:13](accord://read/?Exod%2020.13)


Resulting in perfectly formatted links!

I hope you find it as helpful as I do!


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That's cool.


Totally unrelated to Accordance have you @OSchrock found a decent solution for web clipping to obsidian from mobile?

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On 7/16/2024 at 7:10 PM, Michael Hunt said:

Totally unrelated to Accordance have you @OSchrock found a decent solution for web clipping to obsidian from mobile?


I have two workflows in iOS Shortcuts that work really well for me.


The first one (Save2Obsidian 1of2) receives anything you can share to it and then saves it to Obsidian. It changes the layout depending on what type of data/link/media it is.


If that shortcut receives a link, I have it set up to forward it to this second shortcut "OS URL Clipper 4 Obsidian." If you're only saving web clippings, this might be the only shortcut you need.



That link also treats it differently if you are sharing from Overcast, Twitter, YouTube, or Accordance link! (See this is still related to Accordance!)

I've never shared these shortcuts so I don't know how much you'll have to change in them to make them work for you. Of course I gleaned a lot of information from other peoples' workflows, so feel free to use and modify these if they're helpful to you.

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  • 1 month later...

If you found this helpful, I also just posted another Obsidian templater code that identifies all scripture references in a note and converts them into clickable Accordance links.



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