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I am so thankful to have Accordance bible software because the other guys are trying to add so much that it sometimes becomes confusing. I just want to study the bible without all the clutter in the way. For my dollar, Accordance is by far the best especially for original languages and keeping the text as the focus



Edited by ReformedDoc
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Thanks for the feedback!

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On 7/4/2024 at 8:15 PM, ReformedDoc said:

I am so thankful to have Accordance bible software ... For my dollar, Accordance is by far the best especially for original languages and keeping the text as the focus

I agree with this! I love that Accordance's GUI never gets in my way infact sometimes I am not ever aware there is a GUI.

And, I have to say that I am super fond of Accordance's construct search it makes it really easy to create complex searches!

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On 7/4/2024 at 6:15 AM, ReformedDoc said:

I just want to study the bible without all the clutter in the way


You can, with tabs or tiles. I use tabs:




I love Accordance too. But I know I might be next.



Edit: According to the guidelines, “We do not prohibit occasional references to competing Bible software platforms, but please refrain from hyperlinking or promoting competitors’ products.”


I have Accordance. I can duplicate the same screenshot with tabs, only the toolbar is on top. That is not much of a difference.

Edited by Dr. Nathan Parker
Customer asked me to edit this post and remove one paragraph
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I still like the Accordance layout better. Specifically how parallels are handled. I really don't like that weird space in the L version. Also, the Accordance User Bible is something I literally use EVERY day and even do so in classes. So it is pretty imperative to me, but L doesn't have anything close. (L's PB is so buggy it's unusable, and that isn't even mentioning how much simpler Accordance's user bible is for biblical references. In Accordance ALL I need to do is write "Gen 1:1" and the program connects the dots and knows what I mean. Not so with L). 

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I’m not trying to promote Logos over Accordance. It’s also not surprising that one program has features that the other doesn’t. And regarding personal books, all I can say is that they work perfectly fine for what they are intended for. In my screenshot with the highlight, that is a personal book, Delitzsch’s Hebrew NT.


I’m also not accusing anyone of dishonesty. But, if you don’t own the product or use it regularly, how do you know if what you are saying is true? I came from DOS and Windows to Accordance and Mac. I couldn’t figure out how to use Accordance and Mac for a couple of years. I think it would be the same for someone from Mac and Accordance to go to Logos.


I also couldn’t do without either program, because together, they can do amazing things.


And regarding Accordance’s GUI, those who have been on the forum for a decade will remember when many of us pointed out a lot of unused space in Accordance’s GUI. Yes, it is slim and trim now, but it wasn’t always, and many of the requests to make it so were from the new Windows users.

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53 minutes ago, Michel Gilbert said:

I also couldn’t do without either program, because together, they can do amazing things.


Can you elaborate on the "together" part? I've mostly seen people refer to using one or the other due to certain resources or functions that are only available on one platform. Did you mean there are ways that you truly use them together? Or just that you use both for their different strengths? 

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I don’t use Logos in the Accordance browser, so they are never that together.


Here is a bit of what I meant:


I always have both open and use them as if they were one program. I gave one example in the post where I explained I do a syntax/construct search in Accordance and supplement it in Logos.


I’m working on a project on the Hebrew NT, so I use Accordance’s Modern Hebrew New Testament with Strongs’s tagging; Logos doesn’t have the tagging. I work simultaneously with Logos and NA28 to bring up the Greek and Hebrew alignments, in the LXX and NT; Accordance doesn’t have this, although you could do it manually and take several hours to do some words. Then I make a note in Logos (you can anchor a note to a word in Logos; notes aren’t limited to entire verses).


And of course, the construct search is the crown jewel of Accordance. I rarely search for anything in the Bible in Logos, I use Accordance. But I always end up in the linked tabs in Logos. Some of this has to do with my personal font preferences. I can actually choose a preferred Hebrew font in Logos, the one I’ve used for two decades.


Again, I’m not trying to promote Logos over Accordance. But Logos notes are so far superior that Acc isn’t in the same league. So, for instance, I bought a lot of commentary sets in Accordance; I wouldn’t have been able to buy them all in Logos. But when I find something interesting and want to make a note, I copy and paste it into Logos.


I really treat them as one program. And besides, having one program with one workspace open at a time is too limiting for me. Having both open makes it easier to navigate to Bibles, commentaries, and notes.


I think a strength of both programs is that they strengthen each other.


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@Michel Gilbert I edited that post you asked me to. Thanks!

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