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Nasty Boop Sound


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I have no idea what I've checked, unchecked, clicked, etc.


I get the nasty boop sound searching for Greek phrases. It then wants me to choose a single root or something. I'm just wanting to see how many times a phrase is used in Greek. I can copy directly from the text paste into the search field and be mocked by Accordance. It's very irritating. I know the phrase is there, I should get at least one hit because I'm copying directly from the text.


And if this is some kind of default thing, why? It should be a choice in the drop-down search menu.


I know this is a no-brainer. Can someone tell me what I'm missing?

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I just experimented with this type of search. Place quotes around the phrase to make it search for the phrase instead of a single word. ;)




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Hi @josephbradford and @Solly,

I've noticed that too sometimes, where I copy something, paste, and there are no hits, which is obviously ridiculous. What I have found is often the case when this happens is that the search is set for verses instead of words. If I then change it to words it normally works even without adding quotes.


I hope this helps,


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Quotes work!

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Are you copy/pasting from Accordance into the field or from outside of Accordance?

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