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Links Between User Notes

Philip Schroeder

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Can I create a link in a User Note to another User Note? How?  I am importing my own User Notes keyed to verses done in another Bible Software. I have over 4000 pages of notes I am importing. I made a lot of links between User Notes. I haven't found a way make a Link in a User Note that opens another User note in Accordance. Is there a way to make this link between different User Notes?

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@Philip Schroeder, it’s not possible to link to a User Note yet. There’s an outstanding feature request (see below). I think the best you can do at present is to link to the verse or the Tool paragraph on which you have a note.



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This wasn't on my radar until now. Added it to my list.

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7 hours ago, jlm said:

@Philip Schroeder, it’s not possible to link to a User Note yet. There’s an outstanding feature request (see below). I think the best you can do at present is to link to the verse or the Tool paragraph on which you have a note.



Thanks for the helpful info Jim.

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16 hours ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

This wasn't on my radar until now. Added it to my list.


Hi Nathan, more features are obviously good, but shouldn't supersede getting rid of the note corruption. I get that syncing and the cloud have been stated to be the highest priorities by Accordance, and it left me deeply concerned that note corruption wasn't even mentioned as a top priority to fix. Is the corruption issues being addressed? It appears that they are just being ignored and swept under the rug of features.


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6 hours ago, Kristin said:

Hi Nathan, more features are obviously good, but shouldn't supersede getting rid of the note corruption. I get that syncing and the cloud have been stated to be the highest priorities by Accordance, and it left me deeply concerned that note corruption wasn't even mentioned as a top priority to fix. Is the corruption issues being addressed? It appears that they are just being ignored and swept under the rug of features.


As I've mentioned previously on the forums, we'll look into User File Format tweaks sometime after syncing is complete, as getting syncing out the door will give us a better understanding on what particular User File Format tweaks we would need to make.


While I won't promise User Notes Linking short-term, I at least wanted to get it on my radar, so we can potentially look into it further after we would look into User File Format tweaks (since I wasn't aware of the feature request until now).

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1 hour ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

As I've mentioned previously on the forums, we'll look into User File Format tweaks


Nathan, with all due respect, I am surprised Accordance calls fixing hardcore corruption which involves permanent data loss a "tweak."  I am also surprised since it had also been "previously mentioned" that the data corruption was being looked into and being addressed a long time ago. Given what had been previously mentioned by Accordance, I had frankly bought v.14 since I had mistakenly been under the impression that v.14 was going to fix the corruption issues. It is only now, hearing that fixing hardcore data loss corruption is a "tweak," that I understand why it hasn't been addressed yet. So I appreciate the clarification.

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"Tweak" probably wasn't the best term for me to use (also, it was my personal term, not Accordance's programmer's term, so that one is on me, not the programmers). We're getting syncing done first since syncing will likely help us determine what changes to user file formats we would want to/need to make to user file formats. First to address the concerns of you and others concerning data corruption, as well as we could potentially want to make some changes to optimize the format of files synced between devices. So finishing syncing helps us to determine how to best move forward with addressing this, as there are various paths to go about it, and we'll have clarity on the best path forward after we finish syncing.

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Hi Nathan,

Thank you for clarifying, and I am relieved to hear that fixing the corruption issues is not being completely ignored by Accordance.

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14 hours ago, Kristin said:

Thank you for clarifying, and I am relieved to hear that fixing the corruption issues is not being completely ignored by Accordance.


It is definitely not being ignored or swept under the rug for sure. There's a certain process to ensure when we directly address it, we address it in the best technical manner. 

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