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Parallel Texts Will Not Open

James Kookogey

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Hello. I'm using Accordance 14.0.9 on a 2019 Intel Macbook Pro 16 GB, 512 GB, running Sonoma 14.5. Some texts that I own listed in the library/parallels pane will not open. I've tried a complete uninstall and reinstall twice. I signed in to my account and used easy install. The following texts show under parallels but will not open, and the info icon shows nothing:

Erdmans Dictionary

Websters Dictionary 1913

Hitchcocks Bible Names Dictionary

NAS Topical Index

Eastons Bible Dictionary

ISBE Encyclopedia

Accordance Bible Info

All other texts open as they should. I haven't made a support request to Accordance as I thought I would try the forum first. Thanks in advance for any help you kind folks can provide.

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The texts that do not open you have named do not belong in the parallels section of the library—that is why they are not behaving properly. I recall in the past you could completely remove Eerdmans Dict. through Accordance Bible Info on your posted list, and then go to Easy Install and reinstall them. This will place the problem files into the proper library sections as stated by folk who've experience the issue you reported.


I hope this sorts things out for you,



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Email Support on this one for sure.

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Thank you Solly and Dr. Parker. I opened Accordance and trashed all items in my original post that failed to open. Restarted my Mac, opened Accordance, chose easy install, download all, and all items are now installed in Dictionaries where they belong and working. I hope Solly's solution works for anyone else who experiences this issue.

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