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Strange things brewing


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I'm running Accordance 14.0.9 on an M1 MacBook Pro. For the last few days when I run Accordance I have been hearing the Mac alert sound (the sound named "Boop") while I am in the text. This sound happens multiple times in the background with no visual cues. Then I get an alert from Dropbox that I have just deleted a number of files. Upon inspection those files are the sync'd files from the Accordance folder. It later seems to pull those files back down from the cloud (or copies them back in from somewhere else). Yesterday just after the alert sound several times I wanted to make sure I was running the latest version and it said I was. But, I pulled up the About modal window just to check the number and it was scrambled. I have attached a screenshot of that. 


Really nervous about the possibility of losing 23 years worth of user notes I've been working on. Version 14 still doesn't seem "done" to me. 





Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 2.16.56 PM.png

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The good news is that recovering or restoring deleted files from Dropbox is pretty simple. Luckily, there's at least one company that cares about your 23 years of user notes. 

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I'd reach out to Tech Support on this one to ensure you get a solid answer.


What @Mark Allison said is true about Dropbox. Restoring deleted files is simple.


Plus I have Time Machine backups of everything, and now I'm doing offsite backups of everything. Can't have too many backups.

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