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Improving Accordance Searches and the Atlas

William Cross

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Today I was reading in Mark and came across the location Dalmanutha. I immediately right clicked it to search in atlas only to be disappointed that it was not included. I immediately triple clicked to open BDAG and saw that it was perhaps another name for Magdala. Immediately right clicking that word also got me the "Cannot be found" dialog. 


This generated a few thoughts.

1. Mark's use of immediately is influencing me.

2. I could not believe there were NT locations that were not included in the Atlas. Even if they were just best guesses with a question mark.

3. It should a least highlight a region to notate the location is somewhere in this area.

4. I wanted to do a search in Mark for every location, but there is no easy way to do that and then display it on the Atlas.

  • Accordance searches could be so much improved. 

5. My ESV study bible has a map with the location of Magdala. Why doesn't the Accordance Atlas?

6. A quick search on Google instantly provided a list of every location in the book of Mark, even displaying pictures. Just the way I had hoped Accordance would. https://www.openbible.info/geo/preview/mark
7. Wishing I could get this info from my trusted Accordance material as easily as I can find it on the internet.


Faithful user wanting to see this software continue to improve.

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