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Autosaved in Accordance


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When using autosaved on my iMac should I be able to open autosaved session on my MacBook Pro from the last session that I used on my iMac and visa versa.

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Hi @Tmars5,
I think that would only work if the two computers were mirroring everything completely. 

If they are not, I suppose you could maybe try going to the autosaved sessions in the Library on the iMac, finding the file, and Airdropping it or emailing it or something to the MacBook? I am not sure if that would work, but if I were inclined to do that, it seems like it would logically work. Just do TimeMachine before you try it in case it does something unexpected.



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Autosaved only works locally on one Mac (for all Mac apps, not just Accordance). It doesn't sync between Macs.


Once we get syncing in place though and have our own syncing system, we could always examine possibilities of syncing last-saved sessions across devices. Might make for a good feature request.

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