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Upgrade to Sonoma?

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I have a 2019 Macbook Pro 16 Intel currently running Ventura 13.5.2 and am thinking of upgrading to Sonoma. From my research it seems to be OK for those with Intel but before I do I'd feel better checking to see if anyone has experience with similar configuration.


Thank you for your thoughts in advance.

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Hi @Larry Wing,

I'm on an M1, and I also haven't updated, but with that as a preface, if your computer is saying that there is a software update available and suggested that you download Sonoma, I think it is pretty safe to do so. My experience is that Mac has always been very aware of the capabilities of their computers and if it would be problematic, your system wouldn't offer it. 

That said, a few months ago I had been talking to an Apple rep about an unrelated matter, and she told me that they were having issues with Sonoma and Adobe. So if you use Adobe, just check and make sure those issues have been resolved. It has been months now since I had that conversation, so I am sure it is fine now, but if that is important, just double check that.


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@Kristin Thank you. I have read of a few cases where performance decreased but those didn't have my configuration.


I don't have Adobe products so not worried about that. Besides, when I was looking for apps that may not be compatible I found a web site that listed Adobe products as compatible now. Only caught my eye because of the long list of Adobe. I didn't realize how many products they have.

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Accordance 14.0.9 runs fine on Intel Sonoma.


Sonoma "in general" has still been a little glitchy for me from time to time (even on my non-beta machine). There are some features I like with it (desktop widgets), but even with 14.5 out, it hasn't been 100% smooth sailing for me (in terms of general, everyday use, not Accordance, Accordance has been running smoothly), and Apple has definitely received plenty of feedback from me. :-)


Biggest issue I've had is at startup, my few startup apps don't always load properly. Even my custom wallpaper doesn't always load.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just moved to a new Mac Mini with sonoma installed.

I cannot install Accordance on this machine.

Is there a work around?

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Hi @HansK,

Just a few thoughts...

When you tried to install it, were you trying to install it from TimeMachine or some other backup? If so, it makes me think the old computer was Intel and the new computer is M1 or M2, which might not be recognizing Intel. I don't think I had that problem when I moved to my M1 from a Mac Intel, but it's a thought. If there is anything valid to this thought, than just redownloading it from scratch from the website should fix it, I assume. Then Easy Install will let you re-download all your old purchases. 


I hope this helps some. If it doesn't, when you say it doesn't work, is there a specific warning it is giving you, or in what way is it not working?

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I installed it from the latest install version on the site.

My backup does not work after restoring.

I work with an Apple Mini (M2 Pro chip) and Somoma installed.

This should be fixed ASAP. All my other software is working on my machine.

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Is it Accordance 14.0.9? If so, it should install. If not, please email Support.

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On 6/18/2024 at 2:06 AM, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

Is it Accordance 14.0.9? If so, it should install. If not, please email Support.


It worked. I contacted support and Billy helped me out.

Accordance is now shining on my Mac Mini with Apple Sonoma 14.5 installed.


Thank you Billy!

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