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searching for Hebrew letters aka consonants


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Sometimes I do a "search for letters" of a Hebrew word, and that seems to include vowels. Is there a way to do search for the letters, as in the consonants, without regard for the vowels?


I am aware you can turn pointing off in settings, but I am wondering if there is a way to search for this without turning vowels off.




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Do you mean like this:


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Hi @Brian K. Mitchell,

I don't think so, as + is the root, correct? I don't just mean the root of a word, but the EXACT letters.

For example, [KEY H8404] occurs twice. If you look at JUST the letters תַּבְעֵרָ֑ה the word occurs twice, like the key. However, if I search for the lex of it in Num 11:3, there is only one lex form (because of the unique vowels). 

If I search for it in Deut 9:22, likewise, only one hit with the lex because of the unique vowels.

So then I did the "search for letters" thinking it would bull both hits, as they have the same letters, but it likewise only pulls one at a time since it calls a vowel a letter.


If I search for the root with a + I get 119 hits, but most of the hits only have 3 letters, and not the same letters of the 5 letter word in question.


So I am looking for a way to search for the exact letters without caring about the vowels, so that it would pull both Num 11:3 and Deut 9:22 as a hit. Currently I can only get them both together with the key.


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A simple word search seems to find both Numbers 11:3 and Deut 9:22 but both words here do have the same vowels:


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Hi @Brian K. Mitchell,

This is still not quite it, as it is searching for "words" and what I am looking for are all instances of the LETTERS even if they are designated as different words. Is there a way to do that? 

For example, if you search for a word with a -1 or a -2 or something, and do "words" it will find all words with the -1 or -2, but obviously -1 and -2 have the same letters.


I am thus trying to find all instances of the letters, even if they are assigned as different words. Is there a way to do that?

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Okay how about this:


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I tried a few examples, and I think that worked. :) So the key is apparently to use quotes instead of an equal, and that ignores the vowels, if I am understanding correctly.


Thank you for your help.

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@Kristin Sorry, it took me a little to figure out what you were trying to do.

Yes, I think quotation marks will allow you to pick up homonyms like this one:



Anyway, thanks for asking!

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Thank you again for your help. :)

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