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Some Atlas oddities

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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Not sure if these are precisely bugs, but I wasn't sure where else to post these.  Feel free to move the post if there's a better spot.


I was working in the Atlas (as in Accordance's interactive atlas) today and noticed some odd things.


1). Nazareth is not  included in the the sites in the New Testament Sites layer.  below is my settings for that layer.  Note that sites of every importance level, and sites from the Gospels are turned on.  I would think Nazareth would be considered significant enough to rate being included.




2) one of the region layer options is "Asie Mineure du Nouveau Testament," despite the fact that my interface language for both Accordance and my Mac is set to English.  I did briefly set my interface language for Accordance to French a while back, to test a bug someone else was experiencing, but I am pretty sure that I didn't access the atlas while doing so, and in any case, only that one region layer has a French title.  There is not an equivalent English region layer.  Also, I note that all the region names are in English, not in French.  (I.e. Pontus instead of Pont, Bithnyia instead of Bithynie, Asia instead of Asie)


3) If I search for sites, causing them to appear in red on the map, and then choose Sites>Convert to Custom Layer, the font for that site suddenly changes from Lato to Academy Engraved.  Note that in Settings>Atlas Tab Display with Label Details set for Extra site names, the font is set to Lato.  Academy Engraved is the first font in my list of fonts....this smells of early 14 bugs related to font settings where Accordance was wrongly choosing the first font in the alphabetical list of fonts rather than the font chosen.  

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Thanks! We'll look into this.

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Nazareth is definitely in my NT Sites layer. It looks like you have a corruption somewhere. Have you tried launching Accordance in Safe Mode and selecting "uninstall Atlas"? Then reinstall it using Easy Install. 

Edited by Mark Allison
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Thanks @Mark Allison for that! We looked into it, and it's an issue on your system. Try Mark's suggestions first. If that doesn't work, reach out to Tech Support.

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Uninstalling that Atlas and reinstalling it fixes the French Region name.  


Initially I didn't think it fixed not including Nazareth, but Nazareth does show up if I zoom in enough.  So that may not have been an issue at all, except that I needed the atlas zoomed out more to create a map for worship on Sunday, so needed to use the search feature and add extra sites for them to show up at the zoom/scale settings I needed.  Since I didn't remember about needing to ZOOM in, I mistakenly assumed that it just wasn't part of that set.  


However I still have the issue with font shifts when converting to user layer.  I can change it in the "define custom site layers" dialog, so it's not the end of the world, but I do think it is a bug.   

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Forgot to say, thanks for pointing me to a solution for at least some of the things I was seeing!

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On the font shifts, if it keeps happening, feel free to email support about it, and they can check to see if there's something you can troubleshoot on your machine or if it's a bug report that needs to be filed.

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