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NIV-GK and NIV11-GK "Copy as Citation" reference is different than all other tagged texts.

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I actually reported this over a decade ago, but I ran across it again today, and thought I raise it once more, since I never got an answer last time.


Typically, when I "copy as citation" a reference from a Strongs-tagged text, the Translation reference (an S) is removed.  So, for example, If I "Copy as Citation" Matthew 1:18 from the NRSVS, what posts is:


Matthew 1:18 NRSV

¶ Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.


This is consistent with all the other Strong's tagged texts I have checked.


But if I do the same with the NIV-11 GKE, what I get is:


Matthew 1:18 NIV11-GKE

This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit


and with the NIV-GK I get:

Matthew 1:18 NIV-GK

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.


I don't understand why Accordance behaves differently in these cases.  I find it rather annoying, actually, because when I'm copying as citation, I don't want the the S or GK/GKE to appear: I most often "Copy as Citation" to create bulletin inserts with the day's Scriptures, and the inclusion of the GK or GKE just confuses my lay people.  I typically use a difference translation for this purpose, but today I'm working on materials for a Sunday when I am using the NIV and was reminded that this has never been resolved or at least answered.  Has this just been missed all this time, or is there a reason for the difference that I'm unaware of?



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Thanks for this. Let me ask someone about this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any word on this?


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I haven't. I'll try again.

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I think I need to file this under Corrections. Will do.

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FYI: When doing easy install for something else I noticed I had access to another G/KE text, Leonberger mit G/K Nummern.  (I think it was one of several new Bibles offered free for a short time, and I did take German in college, so....). I downloaded it specifically to check to see if the same thing happened with it.  Sure enough, the citation looks like this:


Luke 3:1-4 (LEO-GKE)

1 Aber im fünfzehnten Jahr der Herrschaft von Tiberius Cäsar, während Pontius Pilatus Statthalter von Judäa war und Herodes Tetrarch von Galiläa und sein Bruder Philippus Tetrarch des Gebiets von Ituräa und Trachonitis und Lysanias Tetrarch von Abilene, 2 zur Zeit der Oberpriester Hannas und Kajaphas, da erging das Wort Gottes an Johannes, den Sohn des Zacharias, in der Wüste. 3 Und er ging in die ganze Umgebung des Jordans und predigte eine Taufe der Buße zur Vergebung der Sünden,

4 wie geschrieben steht im Buch der Worte des Propheten Jesaja: 



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Thanks for that as well!

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  • 7 months later...

Was reporting on a bug related to copy-as-citation, and I remembered this issue.  So I thought I'd check in again, to see if there is any more clarity about why this is happening. 

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I don't have an update yet, but if I hear something, I'll let you know.

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