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search a word with a specific function


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Hi, is it possible in accordance to search a name, for example the tetragram, functioning as the subject of the sentence ?


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I'm not as proficient in Hebrew searching, but I think this construct search gets the results you want.


Running that search returns 2303 hits.

Note that you need the Syntax of the Hebrew Bible resource to do this.

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thank you very much. May I ask how you enter a construct search ? (the video I found i rather old and do not correspond to version 13 I have.


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For a construct search, you need to add a tab > Construct > Hebrew

You also need to open a pane with the Hebrew Bible and then use the LINK command to connect it to the construct

As noted, you need the Syntax feature to be able to look for a syntactical feature (like subject of a clause). I'm using this one: https://www.accordancebible.com/product/grammatical-syntax-add-on-to-hmt-w4/

There is another ETCBC database: https://www.accordancebible.com/product/etcbc-syntax-of-the-biblia-hebraica-stuttgartensia/

Fabian pointed out to me that the one I use is not completely finished with portions of Isaiah remaining.


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