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Bug: Live Highlights blocks triple-click search


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I find to my dismay (& wasted time) that once I have live highlights activated, I can no longer triple click on a Greek work & get the Lexicon to pop up.  I have to X out of the highlights before I can do a lexicon triple click again.

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This isn't a bug. With Live Highlighting enabled, we would expect all you want to do is highlight or erase. There wouldn't be a way to triple click on a word without highlighting it or erasing the highlight in Live Highlighting mode.

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I can't believe that it is impossible for there to be a way to triple click for lexicon with highlights activated, but I am no programmer.  I don't recall ever having that trouble before we got to Acc 13 (I began with Acc 7).   And that is precisely what I expected to work.  I suppose we could take a pole & find out if I am the lone ranger on this or if it bugs others too.

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There's a difference between "Live Highlighting" in Accordance 13 and later and "regular highlighting" which is still an Accordance feature and what we had when we first added highlighting to Accordance.. You should be able to accomplish what you want to do with triple click in "regular highlighting" but not in "Live Highlighting".


"Live Highlighting" is a mode in Accordance 13 and later for users who want to quickly bulk-highlight a bunch of stuff without stopping to do anything else. 


I believe we cover the difference between the two here. If we don't, then we probably should do a webinar on it or at least a QuickTip video on the difference between the two:



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By the way, moving forward, I would recommend that most questions you post start at "Accordance How To" or "Accordance Technical Support" (if it's a general Accordance app question) or "Original Languages" (if it's an original languages search question). Most "bug reports" you've posted here have been able to be resolved due to extra training or input from customers.


If a question you post turns out to be an actual bug report, I can move it to "Bug Reports". Even then, I'd followup with you to get the Accordance version number and operating system version and specific steps to reproduce to pass onto our programmers so they can quickly resolve it.


We have to be extremely cautious not to "cry wolf" with our programmers so they're only investing their time on specific, reproducible bug reports. Many questions can be resolved by additional training or input from other customers. I am personally collecting questions customers are having on here and putting together new QuickTip training videos to help other customers learn how to better use certain features. 

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