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Accordance on Sonoma beta

Andrew Perriman

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In the hope that there's a simple fix for this: I've just installed Sonoma beta on a second machine. I reinstalled Accordance 14.0.7  and the app seems to run OK. But Easy Install shows a random set of modules already installed that are not accessible (grayed out) and do not show up in the Library. Other modules (including texts, commentaries and lexicons) can be downloaded and installed and work as expected. Full disk access is enabled for Accordance.

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I am surprised that you are able to get it running. It is crashing for me. A little more information: It was running and displaying the same behavior you outlined above. Today, I tried to reinstall and restart (removed preferences etc) from scratch; it is now crashing both AC 13 and 14.

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@Andrew Perriman We've seen other reports of that. 


@Jay Myers Some are having crash issues as well.


We'll be testing 14.0.8 shortly. If you're both members of our beta team, you're welcome to try it. If you're not, I can add you to the beta forums. Just DM me and let me know.

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On reinstalling Accordance I found each time that I was already logged in. I tried logging out from the Easy Install box but then couldn't log back in again ("User not found"), even though my login details work on the website. So now I'm shut out completely. 

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Thanks for the update!

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know if Accordance seeks to alert its users to these issues before they happen via email (I receive very occasional emails from Accordance but don't think I've had any for some time now)? I updated to Sonoma this morning without knowing that Nathan had posted about this yesterday. I only found his post after looking for information and by then it was too late. Now, as you will have guessed, Accordance won't work for me. Do you have any idea how long this will take to fix? I leave on a trip for Asia in a few days' time and was trying to use it to get some things prepared before I go. Thanks for your help.

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20 minutes ago, Philip Richardson said:

I don't know if Accordance seeks to alert its users to these issues before they happen via email (I receive very occasional emails from Accordance but don't think I've had any for some time now)? I updated to Sonoma this morning without knowing that Nathan had posted about this yesterday. I only found his post after looking for information and by then it was too late. Now, as you will have guessed, Accordance won't work for me. Do you have any idea how long this will take to fix? I leave on a trip for Asia in a few days' time and was trying to use it to get some things prepared before I go. Thanks for your help.

The official answer is ‘soon’. I understand not being able or willing to nail down a day and time. I expect they understand the urgency.  

There was finally an email less than an hour ago. Why it took so long is anyone’s guess. But it is too late for many, including you and I. 

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Thank you for your reply. I'm sure they do understand the urgency and are doing their best to provide an update. I realized once I posted on this forum that the latest version is 14 and I only have 13, which doesn't help (and I will update to 14 once they've done the update). I'm glad to hear that an email has gone out, but it will be too late for many. I haven't received it (and I used to receive Accordance emails and have never changed my email address) so I don't know why that is.

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I'm not going to jump too much on this as I have no dog in this fight (I am using a VM with Windows), but communication has never been STRONG with Accordance. 


I know I had made several comments in passing but some may not have been transferred over to the new system. 


Here is one example however (My actual comment is a little above the one being shown. 


And while I know R. Mansfield is not with Accordance, I still do not have an answer to my email, I have had no follow up, and I have had no response of simply saying, "Please be patient".


The answers I was looking for, I do not need any more. The opportunity I had at hand has been lost and another Bible software ended up with at least 5 or 6 new users. 


And so I have just not really thought about making a big deal of the lack of communication. I just use Accordance when it works. When it breaks I go to Blue Letter Bible or something like it, and wait till Accordance comes back on. 


I have tried to do Tech Support since and again, I got little to no answers. 


@Nathan Parker is on here, and I think he is doing well on keeping a face of the company, but he is only one man. And if he is not getting support from the company, him being on the forum is not really going to do a lot. I would like to know where our emails go? I know it is being passed on, but what then? He is new and still learning, but if I may make a suggestion, please hold off on sales right now. I think it would be a better use of time re-establishing your footing. 


A small example. When you are scuba diving, and you get into a situation where you are stuck moving forward, there are a few ways of going about it. First is to just push forward and hope for the best. The issue becomes that if you are trapped or a part of your gear is trapped, you will tear something, rip a line, damage a tank, etc. And if that happens and you still are not free, the situation becomes vastly more dangerous. The second way is to try and back up. The issue becomes that you may see what you are stuck in, but without knowing what you are backing up into, you may lodge yourself or your equipment. The third way is what I think is best. If you have the ability, you can just stop. Scan everything you can. See if you can see the issues without too much movement. If you can see the problem, focus on that without panic. If you can't, then you can slowly test the equipment. Can you move it? How far? Safely? If you can and it is not stuck but perhaps something else is, then you can pull your BCD, or slide out of it and not have any issues. That frees you with some more movement. That allows you to inspect everything from a different perspective. If that doesn't work, hopefully you are diving with a buddy who can help, or can share air. 


With Accordance, might I urge that last approach? You have those who want Accordance to work and we want to help. So here is my suggestions 



1. If you are unable to hire more staff, then you need to shift resources. Perhaps hold off on asking for more modules, or from doing decorative type upgrades. If you can, hire several more programmers, or open up the programming to some college students who want to do programming. Get them to do interns, etc. Where I went to college, it was a Bible college in FL and they did computer programming. Somewhere resources should be shifted for the time being until more help comes in. 


2. Perhaps revisit V11 code. See what worked, and what needs to be added to make V14 work. This is a spitball suggestion though more than anything. 


3. I would strongly suggest locking down any more sales flyers. I know you all are trying to make money, but those of us who have bought the system are still waiting on what we paid money for. I know there are several things I have been eyeing but I am not going to buy right now until the dust settles. I am just unsure if I will be able to use what my money bought right now. 


4. I think any public attention such as going to meetings, or the big two language meetings you all attend in the year (which pushed the unfinished V14 out last year) should be refrained from. If you do go, you will potentially bring in many, many new users who want to use Mac. You are almost shooting yourself in the foot because they will have issues and then drop it before seeing what it can do. 


5. Accordance should at least have one key personal in each department (I don't even know how big the company is) and they are responsible for making sure all emails are answered. Right now, I don't know where our emails go? As I said, I have been burnt on this several times, and I am moving on. Having someone where their sole job is emails and doing so in a timely manner is a game changer. If they do not have an answer, they go to their department and get the answer. This frees the techs to simply program and there is an answer to emails. 


6. I think there should be a few executive members that make an appearance at least twice a week to help not only share what is going on on a weekly basis, but also get a pulse on how their product is received. I know that they may not "like" all the comments made, but if they are not violating any TOS, COC, or general Christian attitude, then sometimes hard love is needed. 


7. Perhaps have five or six beta testers, and or accountability board made up of high level users who are not yes men. They should be willing to say the product should be held back. But then the company should follow their advice if it is warranted. This gives you a real world approach rather than a table top discussion. (ETA: Just saw the thread started by @Nathan Parker, so this one seems to be in the works already).


These are just some of my suggestions but I also want to encourage everyone here, something is going on at Accordance. I don't work for them, I don't know what it is, or what it will look like but at the moment, but I want to encourage everyone to be praying for them, and remember 2 Peter 1:5-8. If we, on this forum, do not show these things, then we are handling this in a wrong spirit. 


Just my .02. 


Edited by Pastor Jonathan
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Hi Pastor Jonathan,


Thanks for the feedback. We're already reviewing some of the feedback you've submitted.


To answer your question on "where do our emails go", sales, customer service, and tech support are answering customers' emails (at times they are busier than usual, such as right now, but they are answering emails). Corrections submitted through Report Corrections are being reviewed. If you personally email me, I try to respond in a 24 hour turn around time if possible. I'm not sure if you've emailed anyone else besides those areas, but hopefully that clarifies your question.



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17 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

Hi Pastor Jonathan,


Thanks for the feedback. We're already reviewing some of the feedback you've submitted.


To answer your question on "where do our emails go", sales, customer service, and tech support are answering customers' emails (at times they are busier than usual, such as right now, but they are answering emails). Corrections submitted through Report Corrections are being reviewed. If you personally email me, I try to respond in a 24 hour turn around time if possible. I'm not sure if you've emailed anyone else besides those areas, but hopefully that clarifies your question.



I am glad to hear that about taking the suggestions. 


But as for the email, it is good that they get it but I am, just being direct, am not impressed with the lack of engagement. (you excluded since you are here engaging). 


Hopefully #5 will be highly considered. And perhaps I am speaking from experience but from what other threads on here have said, it seems that I am not the only one now. 


I thought I was an outlier. 

Edited by Pastor Jonathan
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@Andrew Perriman Did we ever get that issue addressed for you? I'm just now seeing it.


@Pastor Jonathan Great feedback as well, and I appreciate it. If you still have any unanswered questions, definitely message or email me, and I'll be glad to assist.

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18 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

Did we ever get that issue addressed for you? I'm just now seeing it.

Thanks for asking. It was Sonoma beta related. I now have 14.0.8b3 running on an Intel MacBook with Sonoma. The only bug I've come across is the Chinese instant details one, which corrects itself when the command key is held down. So we are getting there.

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1 hour ago, Andrew Perriman said:

Thanks for asking. It was Sonoma beta related. I now have 14.0.8b3 running on an Intel MacBook with Sonoma. The only bug I've come across is the Chinese instant details one, which corrects itself when the command key is held down. So we are getting there.

The ID issue is fixed now with .8b4

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Thank you for working on this. I have updated to the latest version, so the Chinese characters have gone away. Now I don't need to learn Chinese (phew!) . . .

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2 hours ago, Philip Richardson said:

Now I don't need to learn Chinese (phew!) . . .


Now some fun has been taken away from me though getting a chance to learn it. :-) 

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