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Copy Citation not working for NTL Revelation


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When I control+copy it does citations for me from the bible, but not from NTL: Revelation. 


Do I have a setting wrong?


NTL: REVELATION New Testament Library Commentary: Revelation (NTL-Revelation) by Brian K. Blount Copyright ¬© 2009 Brian K. Blount Published by Westminster John Knox Press Louisville, Kentucky All rights reserved. Used by permission. Accordance edition hypertexted and formatted by OakTree Software, Inc. Version 1.0   

Screenshot 2023-07-31 at 15.03.48.jpg

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I think you need to Copy as Bibliography instead?

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When I try that option, it doesn't paste anything. 

I'm looking for: "text text text text" (citation)

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Copy as Bibliography does that for me. What do your Bibliography settings look like?

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When I copy and paste as citation in the NIV 2011 it gives me: 


“Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.  I have given he” Rev 2.20-21 (New International Version (2011) with Goodrick/Kohlenberger Numbers and Phrase Tagging.)



from Dict of Early Judaism:


n several places in apocalyptic literature there is also evidence that the apocalyptists were, like the merkavah mystics of later rabbinic tradition, interested in the first chapter of Ezekiel (e.g., Dan. 7:9; 1 Enoch 14:20; Revelation 4; 4Q405 20 ii 21–22; Apocalypse of Abraham 17–18) and the first chapter of Genesis (e.g., Pseudo-Philo, Biblical Antiquities 28; 4 Ezra 6; Jubilees 2; and 2 Enoch 25–26). In some interpretations of Ezekiel 1, the meaning of the text may have come about as the result of “seeing again” what Ezekiel saw. The visionary’s own experience of what had appeared to Ezekiel would itself have been the context for a creative interpretation of the text. For these apocalypticists, Ezekiel 1 was therefore probably not just the subject of learned Christopher Rowland, EDEJ, s.v. “Apocalypticism,” 347. https://accordance.bible/link/read/Early_Judaism_Dictionary#4045


From NTL Revelation (Blount): 


e persons have therefore prostituted themselves to a foreign faith. Where Paul had, in his Corinthian correspondence (1 Cor 8–10), offered the very practica

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This makes me think it's an issue with the NTL module. Not a settings issue.

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Is your NTL Revelation a standalone module or part of the NTL Commentary 15? Mine is the NTL Commentary 15.


Here's what I get when I copy/paste as citation into Word:


[9] For the third time in the opening nine verses, John self-identifies. It is particularly intriguing that he names himself at the start of each of the primary units of the chapter (vv. 1–3: v. 1; vv. 4–8: v. 4; vv. 9–20: v. 9). He authenticates the content of each section with his personal authority. Church members can trust his description of revelation and its chain of transmission because it has come to them through him. They can trust the doxological claims about Christ because it is he who praises with them. In offering what amounts to a narrative signature, he vouches for it all. Both he and Christ self-identify in the epilogue for the same authorizing reason (22:8, 16).

Blount, Brian K., Revelation. The New Testament Library. Accordance electronic ed. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2009.

This one might warrant emailing Tech Support. You could try some of this first:



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It's the standalone, not the set. 


How does one contact tech support? Is it a matter of forwarding this thread? 

I'm in the midst of a paper that has to be finished by Saturday and then I'm off on vaca… 

But I can tackle again first of September.



Edited by jakoeshall
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Thanks! I don't have the standalone, so there might be an issue with that module.


You can email support here: https://www.accordancebible.com/sources-of-support/


You can include a link to this thread if need be.

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