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Apple Mail vs Outlook Mac

Dr. Nathan Parker

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Right now I'm using Apple Mail as my mail client on my Mac and iOS devices. I'm using it with a few IMAP accounts and a couple of Exchange accounts. I don't use it with a Gmail account.


It's decent, but I've found that email messages can be a little "glitchy" in it in terms of reliability.


On the Mac, I may be installing Proton Bridge coming up to use with Proton Mail, plus I use SpamSieve on it daily to client-side filter messages that my server-side filters don't catch. That limits my choices of mail clients.


I have a license to Outlook Mac and wonder if it would be more "reliable" in processing larger amounts of email, but the app is a little complicated, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that complexity. I'd still have to use Apple Contacts and Calendar at the moment as well since those don't integrate well with Outlook for Mac.

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Good feedback. Thanks!

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One "concern" I'd have about Outlook Mac is how I'd get my contacts over there. They're all in iCloud at the moment. Wouldn't want to pay for an Exchange license just to sync my contacts, but then again, they're not on my Windows PC at the moment either.

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True. Thanks for that info!

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