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Mac option to store documents folder (and Accordance Files) on iCloud with multiple computers

Brian Phillips

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I recently set up a new MacBook and am reinstalling Accordance on my iMac. Macs have the option to store documents and desktop folders in iCloud. The Documents folder is where I store the Accordance Files folder. So the end result would be that my MacBook and iMac are using the same Documents/Accordance Files folder


Will I run into issues having a shared Accordance Files folder on two Macs, since both would be using the same folder in iCloud? Or is this perhaps a preferred way to set two Macs up?


Thanks, Brian

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Brian, the problem with storing your documents and data on icloud is that they are effectively off line until you need them.  Apple will try keep your most recent files locally, but it still might mean a delay for modules that you haven’t tapped into for a while.  I find that there is no loss of time on my user files in user/documents but I would be reluctant to store my module there, especially the larger modules, like atlas and whole Bible commentaries.   

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1 hour ago, Paul Meiklejohn said:

Brian, the problem with storing your documents and data on icloud is that they are effectively off line until you need them.  Apple will try keep your most recent files locally, but it still might mean a delay for modules that you haven’t tapped into for a while.  I find that there is no loss of time on my user files in user/documents but I would be reluctant to store my module there, especially the larger modules, like atlas and whole Bible commentaries.   


These are the files that I have in Documents/Accordance Files. I wasn't sure what you meant by 'modules' and 'larger modules'... do you see anything that would alarm you, or does this all look okay to use in iCloud (again, with another Mac and Accordance program accessing the same folder).




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I've had mine on iCloud for quite a long time. My desktop and documents have been on the cloud since apple began that option. And accordance is in documents. It's never been an issue for me. 

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You can check an option to keep iCloud Files offline. I think I did that for my Documents folder since I don't have much in there.

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6 hours ago, Brian Phillips said:

I wasn't sure what you meant by 'modules' and 'larger modules'...

The modules are the actual books that you buy…  These are automatically stored in user library, so unless you moved them manually, there shouldn't be much to worry about.  There’s nothing ‘alarming’ in your screenshot, that I can see.

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If both machines have Accordance open and they happen to sync with iCloud in an unfortunate order, your Accordance installation on both computers could get mangled.

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