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Study Bible Notes


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Is it possible to associate a study Bible's notes to a translation different from it's primary? For example, my primary translation is the NKJV, but I have the study Bible notes for the NIV. Can I associate those study Bible notes to the NKJV or do I have to use the NIV to see the notes? Also, I have two or three different study Bible notes, all for the NIV, if I am unable to change the associated translation, how do I determine which study Bible is associated with the NIV I'm using?

Thank you,

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I use New American Standard with both NIV and NLT study Bible notes - works fine

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Hi @brennus390,

My experience is that you can use them at the same time, but it won't be identical to using the native notes to a text. For example, if I open the ESV and the ESV has a note, there will be a little superscript, and I can click on it and the notes appear and will run in parallel.


If I want to use the ESV and the NIV notes, I can use the NIV notes by opening the notes as a parallel, just like you would add a parallel text, and the NIV notes will scroll alone. However, the superscripts and footnotes in the ESV will still represent its own notes and will not point to the NIV notes. I have not normally found this to be an issue though since the notes are running parallel. Once in a blue moon it is, where in my example I am seeing an interesting note in the NIV notes, but it is not obvious in the ESV text, I would just open the NIV as a parallel to see the verse in question and close it. So it has not been an issue.

Concerning your other question of three different NIV notes, I am not sure if you still have your question, as I don't think the way I described above is linking the way you were looking to do. However, if it is, and having notes in parallel is ok, I would recommend keeping them apart by changing the note appearance. When you have the note open, go to the little wheel next to its name and click "Set Tool Display" and then "Customize Display" and from there you can change the font or color. So then your three different notes would all be different background colors keeping them distinct.

I hope this helps.


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I prefer having study bibles linked to the translation but in practice the only times an niv study bible doesnt work is for the apocrypha or parallel books such as in the nrsv when you need the noab study bible. But generally study bible notes work with any translation, so even the jewish study bible notes works with tev despite not having the nt and the books in the TANAKH being in a different order to the tev. 

to see the niv translation version for your different study bible notes, i would open up the study bible and have a look at the translation info at the beginning and that will indicate which version it relates to. 


Edited by ukfraser
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You can open any study Bible in parallel with any translation. That’s the fun part of it!

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