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Jerusalem Talmud and Other Questions


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Accordance has the Neusner translation of the Jerusalem Talmud, but I don't think it has the original Hebrew/Aramaic text. Is that correct? Is there any way to get the original text to scroll in parallel with the Neusner translation? Some type of browser link to Sefaria perhaps? This would be helpful for other rabbinic texts as well.


More generally, I'm curious what are the advantages to rabbinic texts in Accordance that are not already available for free at Sefaria? Years ago there was a tagged text of parts of Bavli and the plan was for the whole text to eventually be tagged. That seems to have disappeared. Did the scholar(s) supporting go elsewhere? Is this an ongoing project somewhere else? Is Accordance still interested in expanding their Rabbinic materials?

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I’m not seeing the Hebrew Jerusalem Talmud in Accordance at the moment. I’m not sure if there’s a way to scroll the Sefaria web version in parallel with the Accordance English version, but you can probably at least open both side by side then manually scroll each pane.


The advantage of having more rabbinic texts in Accordance is that such text would have deeper integration with Accordance than having to go to the web browser and load the content. I’m not sure on the tagged Bavli. If someone can find me more about that scholar who was undertaking the project, I’ll try to hunt it down.


Accordance is definitely still interested in expanding their Rabbinic materials. We’re in discussions with Sefaria as we speak. I myself am of Jewish ancestry, so I’m personally pushing for us to add as much Jewish/Rabbinic content as we can.

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Thanks, Nathan the Wise. Can you please point me to instructions on how to show Sefaria texts side-by-side with Accordance texts within Accordance?

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You can open the Web Browser in Accordance (File>New Tab> Web Browser, or add the Web Browser to your toolbar). It’ll open your web browser in another zone, so it’s not a parallel pane with your Accordance text, but at least it’s all contained in the app.


Then you can navigate to Sefaria or any other online source. I use it for Sefaria and Galaxie (until we get the rest of the journals in Accordance).

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(Untagged) Hebrew/Aramaic Babylonian Talmud:  https://www.accordancebible.com/product/talmud-bavli-venice-edition-untagged-hebrew/


i don’t have it, only the English Neusner translation, which I bought recently on sale.  The advantage of having it here for me is that it’s quicker to move to the Talmud citations that show up in, for example, the Jewish annotated New Testament I have here.  I was using Safaria for that, but when the Rabbinic modules went on sale not too long ago, I decided to pick up the English Babylonian Talmud.  My Aramaic is nearly nonexistent, and my Hebrew rusty enough that I didn’t think having an untagged Hebrew/Aramaic text in Accordance was worth it.  If a tagged text became available, it would go on my wishlist and I’d think about picking it up when it was on sale. 

Edited by Lorinda H. M. Hoover
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As a side note, I’m taking a free trial of ArtScroll’s Digital Library and also signed up for the Babylonian Talmud Standing Order in print so I can better get acquainted with those.

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