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Latin Vulgate Apparatus Mismatch?

Jonathan Wilken

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Unless I'm mistaken, I believe the apparatus for "Latin Vulgate-Tagged" actually corresponds to the "Latin Vulgate (parallel texts)" and vice versa, at least for the Psalms. Basically, the regular text and the "parallel" text have been associated with the wrong apparatus for the Psalms. Since the similarity of the names for these modules can gete confusing, it might help to clarify here that the relevant text-apparatus pairs are/should be:


Latin Vulgate-Tagged <-> Vulgate Apparatus

Latin Vulgate (parallel texts) <-> Vulgate (parallel) Apparatus


The two versions of Psalms in the Vulgate stem from two translations: one based on the Hebrew text (which is presented in the Latin Vulgate-Tagged module) and a second based on the Septuagint text (presented in the Latin Vulgate (parallel texts) module). But this is currently flipped in the apparatus: the Vulgate Apparatus points to readings found only in the "parallel texts" text, while the "parallel" apparatus points to readings in the Latin Vulgate-Tagged text.


Since this quickly gets confusing to talk about, I've attached a marked up screenshot demonstrating the problem. Taking Psalm 110 as an example, you will notice that the first variant given in the Vulgate Apparatus is for verse 1, where we are told the words "reuersionis - zacchariae" are omitted in some witnesses. But this reading is actually found in the "parallel texts" version, not the Latin Vulgate-Tagged. Likewise, the first variant noted in the "parallel" apparatus refers to the reading "ALEPH", said to be omitted in some witnesses. But again, the parallel apparatus is not pointing to a reading in the parallel text, but rather in the Latin Vulgate-Tagged


To be clear, this is a problem I have noticed only in the Psalms. The parallel apparatus is in fact entirely empty where no parallel translations exist. As far as I could tell, it is accurate where other parallel accounts do exist. (E.g., I quickly checked IV Ezra.) Assuming I haven't missed something, would it be possible for Accordance to fix this mismatch between text and apparatus?


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Yes, I’ve noticed this mismatch too, and only in the psalms. It was pretty confusing at the beginning.

Edited by jlm
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