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Exporting pericopes (including verse ranges) to a Pages document

Walter Manthey

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I'd like to be able to a) export the pericopes (with associated verse ranges) from either the ESV or NKJV, b) paste those pericopes and ranges into a Pages document, c) edit that document with personal notes in my continued study of a given book.  How do I do that, step by step, using Accordance v13.3.2?  Thank you.

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Hi @Walter Manthey,

I am not 100% sure if I understand your question correctly or not, so this might be totally off, but I think you want to select certain passages and copy them.


a) In my screenshot I put a list of verses, then select them, right click, and you can either copy them, or copy as "No Superscript" which is likely what you want.


b) You can then paste them to somewhere like Pages.

c) You would be able to edit the document since it is Pages. To create notes, you could either put the notes as footnotes, or put the biblical text in a column of a table and have notes as another column.

So that is what I think you are asking. That stated, if your ultimate goal is not to put them in Pages, but rather to have notes, you can use the Note function in Accordance, which I find much easier. Just be aware that the Notes do corrupt. So backup your work REGULARLY.


To export the Notes, you can just do a select all, copy, and paste it. (I have found them to move to Numbers well). So I admit it is obnoxious, but I try to export a new copy of my notes at least once a month. Even though the Notes have corrupted before, I still use them since they are so remarkably helpful as they function just like notes on a wide margin Bible and scroll with the text.


I am not totally sure if this is addressing your questions or not, but hopefully it is somewhat helpful.




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Kristin -- I appreciate the detailed reply, but allow me to clarify what I'm looking to do.  I'd like to export pericopes (headings) from Accordance, including the verse ranges associated with each pericope, and paste them into a Pages document.  The result would look something like this (using headings from ESV):

Mark Chapter 1

1:1-8     John the Baptist Prepares the Way

1:9-11   John baptizes Jesus

1:12-13  Satan Tempts Jesus

1:14-15  Jesus Begins His Galilean Ministry

1:16-20  Four Fishermen Called as Disciples


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Walter, how important is it to use esv?

in accordance there is a module called 'outlines of bible books' and that is easy to copy and paste into pages/word by just selecting the section you want. There have been numerous debates about the past as each translation has different headings. There is a setting to hide headings as many didnt want them, but  I dont think there is currently a way to view just the headings in a particular translation so my guess is unless you copy all esv text for example mark and then delete the text and leave the headings and maually include the verse range once pasted into pages, i would use something like 'outlines' which is a good starting point you could always modify in the future. 


(The screenshot is from my ipad so will look slightly different in the full fat version. )



Edited by ukfraser
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UKfraser -- Thank you for the 2 useful alternatives.  The "outlines of the bible books" method appears to be far less time consuming in the editing stage, so I'll probably opt for that.  However, when I tested the cut and paste from an outline into Pages, the outline's indentations were not retained.  Is there something I need to do when cutting from Accordance that will include the standard outline format/indentations?  When I paste into Pages I tell it to "match style", but it left justifies every line, regardless of the indentation that appears in Accordance.

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Hi @Walter Manthey, I am not sure how to resolve the issue, but I just wanted to make sure you know how to tag people. To tag @ukfraser, for example, as he might know the answer to this, you write the @ symbol and start typing his name, and you can select it from the dropdown. It is good to tag people directly when you can, since unless someone actually follows the thread, they won't be notified otherwise.

I hope that helps, and that he is able to resolve this alignment issue.



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@Kristin Thank you for the tag info.  Being a new member of the Forum with this initial post earlier today, I was unaware of that protocol.  Thank you again for your kindness. I welcome any other "tips" on how to post/reply most effectively.  In observing other posts, it appears I should follow the example from you and others and change my current posted name to just first name only, or some other more secure/private ID.

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Hi @Walter Manthey,

I am glad I was able to help. :) Concerning the name, it is truly just personal preference. Some people on the forum use their full first and last name complete with an actual photo for their profile, while others just use their first name or some other random name.


I have found that the forum is generally composed of good intending people, so using your first and last name should be fine. Also, even if someone was going to try to take advantage of knowing who you really are, what would they do with the information? Learn that you use Bible software? So it is probably fine and really is just personal preference.


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1 hour ago, Walter Manthey said:

Is there something I need to do when cutting from Accordance that will include the standard outline format/indentations?  When I paste into Pages I tell it to "match style", but it left justifies every line, regardless of the indentation that appears in Accordance.

I havent found anything. I suspect its an edit in pages. Create three styles of different indents  or heading, sub heading and indent etc and then apply the appropriate pages styles to the different levels of indent. 

(being really cheeky, your initial example wasnt indented so again, is this something you could live with?????)

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@ukfraser -- Thanks again for your help.  If it's not a matter of how Accordance works, then yes, I'll figure out how to create an ideal style in Pages and apply that style to a rather lengthy section of pasted outline.  As for my initial example not being indented, I tried using the tab to indent, but it didn't work...and not seeing an indent icon, I just left it as is.  It has been years since I posted on a forum, so I'm pretty ignorant of how they work.  I welcome your insight, direction.  As for being able to live with no indentations, I'd like to be able to share my finished documents with others, and I'd like to hand over something that is as visually advantageous and clear as possible, and indents would naturally contribute to that.  Thanks again for your kind help.


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17 minutes ago, Walter Manthey said:

 I'd like to be able to share my finished documents with others, and I'd like to hand over something that is as visually advantageous and clear as possible, and indents would naturally contribute to that. 

Id be tempted to insert a screenshot of your finished document to share with others. I think others have included pdfs. I have to say that i find both pages and word a pain to work with styles so have fun and dont get too frustrated!!!!

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Hi @ukfraser -- I'd be happy to insert a screenshot when finished.  In the meantime, if you know of others who have included PDFs of a similar project, I'd love to have the links to them included in your reply so that I can learn what has been done already by folks with similar objectives.  My thoughts on an ideal document centered on pericopes would include tagging -- topical, geographical, character, etc.  (I say that, even though I have no idea how to insert a tag into a doc).  If you have any ideas on what else would be helpful in such a pericope-based doc, I'm all ears.

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Walter, i dont know what you want to use the final document for but for me, if this is mainly for personal use, what you are describing is moving right into the stacks area in accordance which is what stacks was created for and for me a great addition to accordance a few versions ago! You could then export it to papers within accordance if you need to share it with others, though its not a fully fledged word processor. (I have never found notes within accordance to fit my workflow as i tend to think about passages.)


this is a link from the web help pages on stacks:



i typically work from the ipad so cant show you but will see if i have some examples next time im on my mbp. 
i created a stack on a passage, but as my wanderings took me, i would insert maps from my holman bible atlas or sacred bridge, along with info from dictionaries, commentaries etc. all hyperlinked to where i had found them in accordance. I could type in other material and drag it around to reorder, all within accordance. I am so looking forward to stacks becoming available on the semi skinned version so i can use it on my ipad. 

adding hyperlinks in pages. I dont use pages much, i still use word but in word you can right click and then make it a hyperlink or remove the hyperlink properties and im guessing its very similar in pages or you may select paste as hyperlink when you come to paste it. 

its all about experimenting/playing with the various tools and apps and finding what workflow works best for you. Great that we are all different! But this forum is the right place to ask these questions so others can share their workflows. Accordance is very powerful and versatile.



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@ukfraser -- I checked out the link on stacks (which I had never heard of before), watched a couple related videos on ytube, and have come to a scary conclusion:  I sense that I know less than 1% of all that's in the Accordance toolbox. That's quite an understatement you made:  "Accordance is very powerful and versatile."  You talk of experimenting with various tools, apps and what workflows work best for me, but I'm realizing I've got a mountain of learning in front of me, and time is precious.  My days are taken up predominantly with teaching, pastoring, and counseling folks in need (the most time-consuming!).  But I'm getting a clearer picture of how this pericope project will be structured around the "outline of the bible books" feature, edited/enhanced with other Accordance features that I'm presently unaware of.  Daunting task ahead, to say the least.  But it's nice to know there is a forum of folks willing to lend guidance to the "blind".  Thank you for being a "super" guide.

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When i started there were weekly videos called lighting the lamp which i watched. There are lots of more recent videos produced by accordance and its worth setting aside some time to watch the occasional one or to watch the weekly presentations so you can see people using it for real and that helps. 

this gives a good structure to various features



E-acadamy might be a bit specialised but you will get a very good crash course




But as you rightly identified, this forum has a load of people who are always ready to help. Ive learnt loads over the years.

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After your earlier suggestion, I found and watched a Lighting the Lamp video on YT on "Stacks".  I really liked its focused brevity (8:47). I'm also 1/3 of the way through another YT video entitled "Introduction to Using Accordance for Conducting Book to Book Overviews (Richard Perry)", but it is 1:15.53 in length.  For my current pursuit of exposure to the full gamut of features/tools Accordance offers, I prefer the shorter, bite-size videos.  Sometime soon I'll check out the 2 additional links you gave me.  I'm hopeful they are similar to Lighting the Lamp. Thanks!

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Dr J and his lighting the lamp episodes was a great loss on many levels. So enjoy all you can find. The others tend to be around the hour these days. 

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@ukfraser, I did check out the 2 links -- I'll definitely be watching several of those shorter ones from the 1st link.


Did you see the question I posted this morning?  "How do I retain hierarchial indentations from 'Outlines of Bible Books'?"  My money is on you knowing the answer.


Along a similar theme, how do I insert indentation in a forum post like this?

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There are list options in the comments box but not sure about indent other than spacebar (on the ipad) or try using tab if using a proper keyboard


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