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How will I know it's "safe" to install v14?

Larry Wing

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I know there were a lots bugs in v14 and so I stayed with v13 although I'd like to upgrade to v14 as soon as most bugs have been addressed.


My question is how will I know that it's "safe" for me. Will v14 users post on the forums that they've had good success? Will the be a poll to get resolution of bugs?


Any recommendations?


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The best way is to keep watching the forums.


However, since the unveil, several programmers, and the owner have come on here and have really helped us to understand a lot.


Just in the last week, many of the bugs have been fixed. Depending on what you are needing, it may have been fixed now.


What specifically are you looking at? From my use, it has gotten very stable and it feels solid to me again. 

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I would hate to say anything that would encourage you to something you might regret--but I thought I would mention my experience. I downloaded 14 before 14.0.2 came out and it installed fine, was able to sync with Dropbox, and had access to all of my purchased files. The only thing I have noticed that I have not been able to work through is that a few of my old User Tools (that I made) will not open. I don't know if they will later or not. I just wanted to register my experience and that I am up and using 14 and, frankly, loving it! 

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Thank you to both of you. That's the kind of information I find useful. I'll plan of installing v14 in the next few days.


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You're welcome. What specifically are you wanting so we can test it for you?


Would hate for you to download only to get frustrated. 

Edited by Pastor Jonathan
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I don't know of anything specific other than I saw there was some varying issues with text display. Some of the bugs reported I never would have come across as they were beyond my usage.


Some things I use a lot are Live Click, Info Pane, and Compare.

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My live click is good and working very well, and I haven't hit any issues yet.


Info pane seems OK for me but I use it sparingly so I may not be the best here.


Comparing, I do off and on and it seems to work for me fairely well. 

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Just my 2 cents.  Since upgrading from v14 to 14.0.2 several of the text display bugs were fixed for the most part.  The one thing I would recommend is to make any changes to your text display through preferencess not through the text pane.  The text pane display is the one where you click the small spoke located at the left side of your text header if that makes sense.  I find that changing my text diplay using the text pane display doesn't take when saving.  I have attached a couple screenshots hopefully depicting what I'm trying to say.



Screenshot 2022-12-04 145231Preferences.jpg

Screenshot 2022-12-04 145329Set text pane display.jpg

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I have a couple workspace where I adjusted the text with the gear on individual tabs. Ie one resource is one size and another a different. 

how does v14 deal with that?

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17 minutes ago, Larry Wing said:

I have a couple workspace where I adjusted the text with the gear on individual tabs. Ie one resource is one size and another a different. 

how does v14 deal with that?


I spent a bit of time working through various workspaces of mine, trying to achieve a positive result, but nothing successful.  The only thing that has worked for me is through the steps I stated above.  Other than that v14 has been pretty stable for the most part with some pretty cool new features.

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1 hour ago, Larry Wing said:

I have a couple workspace where I adjusted the text with the gear on individual tabs. Ie one resource is one size and another a different. 

how does v14 deal with that?

I haven't messed with that. Sorry. 

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2 hours ago, Misulejoha said:

Just my 2 cents.  Since upgrading from v14 to 14.0.2 several of the text display bugs were fixed for the most part.  The one thing I would recommend is to make any changes to your text display through preferencess not through the text pane.  The text pane display is the one where you click the small spoke located at the left side of your text header if that makes sense.  I find that changing my text diplay using the text pane display doesn't take when saving.  I have attached a couple screenshots hopefully depicting what I'm trying to say.



Screenshot 2022-12-04 145231Preferences.jpg

Screenshot 2022-12-04 145329Set text pane display.jpg

Very good and informative. Thanks for sharing. 

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When you see the v14 packages launch, you'll know Accordance 14 is reasy for the masses. 

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to add my experience - I am like Gary Pauley and installed 14 on day 1 and have not had any issues of substance it is brill ( I'm on a M2 MacBook Air OS 12.6.1). I can see others have had problems - but I have really enjoyed Accordance 14 -the word study function is worth the upgrade price in itself.


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4 hours ago, Larry Wing said:

Thank you to both of you. That's the kind of information I find useful. I'll plan of installing v14 in the next few days.



I've played around with going from 13 to 14 to 13 to 14, etc on a PC while trying things out and the process is mostly painless other than the time it takes to download the library. Each time, I fully uninstalled the current version before running the other version's installer.


People have reported problems syncing, particularly between PC and tablet. If you work across multiple devices, I'd suggest waiting until about Christmas before going to v.14. If you need Accordance for anything time-critical, stay with v.13 until v.14 is more stable across all devices.


Make a backup of your data first. Accordance keeps two data directories on the PC, and probably does on the Mac as well. For the PC, I think it's the one in your Documents folder that is more important (the other one looks like defaults), but copy both directories anyway, and make a note of where each directory came from so you can restore them later if you need to. Make 2 or 3 copies of your backup, and keep one outside the PC. :)

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4 hours ago, Tim Planche said:

to add my experience - I am like Gary Pauley and installed 14 on day 1 and have not had any issues of substance it is brill ( I'm on a M2 MacBook Air OS 12.6.1). I can see others have had problems - but I have really enjoyed Accordance 14 -the word study function is worth the upgrade price in itself.



Same on my end. I've integrated Acc. 14 into my regular workflow and have noticed no particular problems. I haven't tried changing the appearance from the way v. 13 was set up and so haven't experienced any difficulties with that.

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Honestly, as one of the more vocal users against the release of v14 initially, the updates have improved it enough I uninstalled v13 yesterday. I’d have no real reservations about installing v14 right now. There are bugs. But for my use they are minor enough. 

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I've been using it since the beta, and it works fine for me. 14.0.2 seems very stable. I don't use Dropbox sync, so I can't speak to that. I'm on MacOS Ventura.

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Dropbox is working as well as it ever has. The only issue is that the dialogue box does not show progress. But the sync is happening I can confirm. 

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10 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

When you see the v14 packages launch, you'll know Accordance 14 is reasy for the masses. 


What are you basing this on? I know there have been base packages for previous releases. But this release, as irregular as it seemed to us, was quite intentional from the company. And they are not hiding or limiting awareness of the release for a 'soft launch'. What makes you think it's not 'really' ready until said packages are also released?

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In the past, Accordance usually released the new packages at the same time as the major version upgrade. This time around, it seems they wanted to launch Accordance 14 to those who pre-ordered first. To me, it doesn’t make sense that first-time buyers would buy the Accordance 14 engine and an Accordance 13 package. It seems they would wait and buy an Accordance 14 package that contains the Accordance 14 engine and modules in a single package.


It does seem the entire upgrade rollout was rushed and a little extra planning was needed (which I’m sure Accordance will address in the future). It seems Accordance is wrapping up the remaining “launch day issues” with the Accordance 14 upgrade rollout, then my guess is we’ll see Accordance 14 packages appear on the store. Since Accordance certainly wouldn’t want first-time Accordance buyers to experience some of the “launch day issues” with Accordance 14 that existing users have experienced, my guess is they’re working to resolve those, then launch the packages. 

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