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Downgrading to Accordance 13


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I hesitated posting this because it's critical of Accordance 14, but it is also I think helpful for those who want to return to 13 until 14 is improved, as it looks like it is happening. So if the powers that be see fit I'd understand if it gets deleted.


How to Downgrade from Accordance 14 to 13 with Video

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Whatsammatuh foe Accordance 14?

I, myself, have held off on 14, thinking that as new it may have bugs which require some time to swat.  But in general, I do not like frequent "upgrades" and have had experience with so-called upgrades which were not better.  13 came out with command-F search, which I much wanted. So I did it, but had great difficulty in getting it installed.  Then I found that now some modules may not work with older versions of Accordance.  I did not like the change in the highlight system.  Accordance is so complicated and requires such a long or intense learning curve, that it is undesirable to have the thing changed, then have to unlearn & learn new stuff.  One wants to get comfortable with the system & use it.  Apple itself is "upgrading" OS way too fast for my comfort, now after Mojave 32 bit apps won't work with it. So the great Quicktime 7 Pro won't work after upgrade.

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Accordance 14.0.2 (14.0.2) MacOS 13.0.1 "Ventura"


I have installed the newest version 14 latest build and I see no need for going back to 13 (which is still on my Mac).

Thanks to Silas, who has addressed nany issues that were reported in beta. I have all confidence in Silas.



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Hi Kevin,

I've been following the release of Accordance 14, and while this release has been pretty bad, there are a few things in your downgrade video that you might want to revise.


1. Accordance 13 and 14 use the same set of files when installed on the same computer. It's good that your video shows people how to make a backup of their data before doing the downgrade. However, having both versions installed at the same time should come with a warning. Both Accordance 13 and 14 have their share of reports of data corruption. Having both versions 'live' allows both to overwrite the same set of data, making data corruption even more likely. I'd suggest never having both 13 and 14 open at the same time; if people want to check out 14 once in awhile, consider advising them to back up their data before switching versions.


2. Accordance 14.0.2 has fixed the more glaring problems for single-platform users. I haven't tried migrating between desktop/laptop and tablet, but from what I've read, the criticism on this point is fair since today's working model is multi-device. However, their lead programmer just returned from being sick just after the launch; their pace of getting to stability across all devices looks pretty good now that Silas is back.


3. About Accordance ownership: it changed hands around 2 years ago, well before Accordance 14 was shipped, and the original owner still works at Accordance. So the change in ownership doesn't really have much bearing on the Accordance 14 launch problems.


4. I started using Accordance at around the start of Accordance 13, and that launch was also problematic. I installed Accordance 13 on just a single device (no cross-device syncing), and it was pretty much unusable. If you consider today's Accordance 13 to be stable, then Accordance 14 is on a similar trajectory to stability: big mess at the start, followed by working through the problems and cleaning things up. Based on what I've seen so far, if you want to nominate a 'take another look' date to see if Accordance 14 is ready for serious use, I'd nominate Christmas. The fact that Accordance 13 can use the data left behind from Accordance 14 suggests that integrating tablets into the mix isn't too big a challenge.


I don't work for Accordance, but I hope that the above helps with being even-handed about their v.14 missteps.

Edited by Lawrence
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33 minutes ago, Lawrence said:

However, having both versions installed at the same time should come with a warning. Both Accordance 13 and 14 have their share of reports of data corruption. Having both versions 'live' allows both to overwrite the same set of data, making data corruption even more likely. I'd suggest never having both 13 and 14 open at the same time; if people want to check out 14 once in awhile, consider advising them to back up their data before switching versions.


Hi @Lawrence,

I just wanted to clarify (which I think you would agree, I think), that having both v.13 and v.14 "installed" is not dangerous, but rather, "using" 14 might be. So I just wanted to mention this if someone went back to 13, actually uninstalling v14 is not necessary. (Though I agree 100% that you really need to back up your data before opening v.14).


33 minutes ago, Lawrence said:

3. About Accordance ownership: it changed hands around 2 years ago, well before Accordance 14 was shipped, and the original owner still works at Accordance. So the change in ownership doesn't really have much bearing on the Accordance 14 launch problems.

I am not sure if I can agree on this point, as most of the problems occurred since it was rushed to be released to match SBL, and my understanding is that the owner acknowledged this point in his post. If, hypothetically, it had not been rushed, than v.14.2 is what v.14.0 would have been, just released a few weeks later.

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To Troy’s credit, he took responsibility for there rushed release.


i don’t remember 13 being this problematic. 

And it is my understanding that previous ownership is only part time currently. 

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Interestingly I had severe issues with V13 and only had the library preference file mangled with 14--but easily replaced from a backup file.


Software roll outs are always interesting. ;)



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Some have had major problems with v14 and some, like me, less so.  The Accordance team have communicated to us and have taken responsibility for their initial release.  I also think every user has different computers with different processors, different versions of operating systems, and this also plays into the adjustment to v14.  I'm sure they are writing code with a priority to the current hardware and operating systems, with some backward compatibility.  I have a year old MBP with M1 Max processor and have the latest MacOS.  I have experienced little of the problems described by others.  Perhaps others have then same system and have had some major bugs I don't know.  I do know the release is barely 10 days old and Silas and others are working hard to eliminate the bugs.  Should they have waited, yes.  Are they making it right, IMHO, yes.  Is v.14 good, yes!  Do some need to downgrade in the meant time?  Absolutely if that helps them utilize their investment in Accordance.


Over all Accordance has been the most valuable tool I use in studying Scripture.  The learning curve was made simple by all the training videos, and with a minimal of watching those videos I was able to become effective at using Accordance.

Thank you Accordance.  This was a learning event for everyone, and I know you will remember this as you prepare for Accordance v.15.

Edited by Kurt O
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