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Some Perspective on Accordance 14 and the State of the Company

David Lang

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I’m sorry so many of you have had issues with Accordance 14. I know when you’re used to things just working, it is maddening when they don’t. I also understand how quickly that frustration spills over into concern about the future of the company. After all, a number of once-thriving Bible software companies have closed up shop over the years, and some of you have personally been burned when that happened. I hope this post will give you a bit of reassurance that Accordance isn’t going anywhere and that the current issues with version 14 will soon be resolved.


I’ve been with Accordance for twenty-seven years. I joined after the release of version 1, but I’ve been here for every release since version 2. Every one of those releases was stressful. Most, if not all, had known bugs when the decision was made to go live, and often major new bugs came to light upon release. Every version release is a calculated risk, and the problematic ones live in our memories far longer than the relatively smooth ones.


Whether or not Accordance 14 becomes a byword in company lore remains to be seen. I know this will come as small comfort to those of you who have experienced frustrating issues, but our tech support and office staff are reporting that the number of complaints they are dealing with has been comparable to other major releases. Our programmers are working hard to squash the bugs as quickly as possible, and I expect most will be resolved in the next few weeks. Again, that’s actually pretty typical of major releases. There is always a flurry of updates in the weeks following a major new version.


My point here is not to minimize the problems. But the difference between this and previous releases is one of degree rather than fundamental business philosophy. Accordance is no less committed to quality than ever before. Remember, we all use Accordance too, and we have no more patience with bugs than you do. You don’t have to worry about Accordance routinely releasing buggy software.


As for the state of the company itself, some of you have become distressed to discover that ownership of the company changed hands, but that change took place two years ago. And while Roy Brown no longer owns the company, he remains a key contributor to the development of the program. In fact, he did the programming for most of the major new features of Accordance 14, such as Word Study, Easy Answers, and Phrasing. The other members of our programming team have been with the company for at least five years, and in one case, about as long as I’ve been here.


We have experienced some staff changes in recent years, and we’ve lost some great people. Yet there is still a surprising amount of longevity and continuity among our sales, tech support, and module development staff, and our vision of what makes Accordance great has not changed.


These are challenging days for any company, but Accordance continues to thrive because we have been willing to adapt to changing technologies and changing circumstances. Remember all those now-defunct Bible software companies I mentioned? Some failed to adapt to new operating systems and became obsolete. Some never had a change of ownership, but the founders eventually retired and closed up shop. Some got absorbed by competitors and were eventually abandoned. None of that has happened here.


Accordance is still going strong. You can rest assured the problems some of you are facing will be short-lived.

Edited by David Lang
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Thank you very much @David Lang. Thank you for recognizing the genuine concerns we have had, and understanding that a lot of us have been worried after realizing that some great people are no longer there. That is still rough, but everything you wrote helps a lot, and thank you again for recognizing our concerns. On a side note, I knew you had been here awhile, but I had no idea it has been 27 years!

Kristin, aka, ex-BibleWorks user

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This statement, along with that of the owner, is reassuring to many of us.


Many of us who are regulars on the forums are saddened to see some of the employees moving on. 


Looking forward to using Accordance for many years to come. (Lord willing).

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Thank you David.  All the hard work and the communications are appreciated and reassuring!

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Thanks, David. Means a lot coming from someone I trust.

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Thank you David, your update is very reassuring... and nice to hear from someone who knows the programme and has more history with Accordance than just about anybody.  Much appreciated.

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As everyone else has said - thanks David it is reassuring to here what we treasure in Accordance continues to live on

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As I’ve said twice already, exactly what we need to hear. From three different places now. Thank you. 

One thing, which may not matter at this point. For me, as perhaps the first, or one of the first, to post about v14 here, the issue is not merely the bugs. Rather, it was what appeared like a haphazard, almost accidental release because of the lack of communication around the release. This, then, heightened concerns over bugs and whatever else, including the company’s health. Then, again compounded with delayed response from official channels, things did not look promising. I think most of us feel similarly. 

And so, as I’ve said before and elsewhere, thank you. Mistakes are not a problem. We can compassionately forgive. But accountability is reassuring. So, again, thanks. 

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Thank you for taking time to update us.  It's helpful to hear from someone at Accordance on what has transpired.

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Thank you David.  Your voice was the first "Accordance Voice" I heard back in 2009, Version 8 (?).  I was watching the some tutorials you had made.  I appreciate your post.

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Thank you for the reassuring update! I've been an Accordance user for around 10 years and have also gifted it to others over the years. I love Accordance and look forward to using it well for many more years to come!

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@David Lang,


This does mean a lot. From the owner's comment about the direction to now yours on the longevity, I do feel much better.


Please know you, the programmers, the leadership, the staff, all are in my prayers. Thank you for taking the time to post and know that helps us to be more confident that we will be able to enjoy Accordance for the long haul.


God bless.

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This statement is exactly what I was waiting and hoping for. I suppose my concern was heightened because I personally had never before experienced such problems with past major releases. But I take your statement at face value and it's reassuring. I look forward to a fully functional Accordance 14 from a team whose commitment to excellence is equal to it's history.

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Hello David Lang,

As usual you have eloquently written and informative post!

On 12/1/2022 at 5:44 AM, David Lang said:

...our vision of what makes Accordance great has not changed...

...Accordance continues to thrive because we have been willing to adapt to changing technologies and changing circumstances...

Thank for reiterating the points above!

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Thank you, David! I was concerned about the future of Accordance. I love the program. It brings me great relief to know where things are at with the state of the company! Blessings!

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