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Video from Linda Perry Highlighting v14 Features

Kurt O

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We just completed a 5 minute video today showing the new features of v14. 

Here's a link:


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As always Linda does a great job at teaching us how to use some of the new features.  I personally like the Word Study features.  I spend a lot of time with the languages and this is fun and helpful.  Thanks also to Silas and the developers/programmers.  I have used v. 14 for the last 24 hours and have had not serious problems at all.

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I notice a new behavior for Live Click in version 14: if the lexicon option of live click is active, you now see Word Study and the Lexicon Lookup-- not just the Lexicon Lookup as before. A very pleasant surprise.





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1 hour ago, Kurt O said:

I have used v. 14 for the last 24 hours and have had not serious problems at all.


Have you tried syncing your content to your mobile devices?

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2 hours ago, Mark Allison said:


Have you tried syncing your content to your mobile devices?

No, I haven't used syncing for a long time.  Dropbox was starting be a problem so I just stopped syncing.  Amazingly, I've still had no problems with v14.  I'm reading a lot, have already done some word studies.  I haven't jumped into phrasing.  Amazingly, all my content in my library is working.  I don't know why I'm having no issues, but I am counting my blessings.  It's a good update so far feature wise.

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5 minutes ago, Kurt O said:

No, I haven't used syncing for a long time.  Dropbox was starting be a problem so I just stopped syncing.  Amazingly, I've still had no problems with v14.  I'm reading a lot, have already done some word studies.  I haven't jumped into phrasing.  Amazingly, all my content in my library is working.  I don't know why I'm having no issues, but I am counting my blessings.  It's a good update so far feature wise.


My experience has been pretty much the same as that of @Kurt O 


I use mostly basic features I guess - i.e., I don't use synching or phrasing, which may explain my inability to find any bugs so far. 14 seems to take a little bit longer to start than 13 did, but I am still talking about startup in under 10 seconds, so it is really not an issue for me. My library remained organized the way I had it in 13, and all content seems to work. I love the word study feature and the ability to go to specific book/chapter/verse without typing.


I really loved Linda's video, however, I would recommend making it more prominently available on the website and forum, without requiring registration to view if possible.

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She said that they plan to make several webinars.

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I also produced a series of short videos on Accordance 14 during the beta program but never released them. I’ll show them to Richard and see if he wants me to polish them up and post them, or see if he’d like me to produce some fresh videos now that 14 is out of beta.

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I am a huge user of User Tools. I preach and teach from them all the time.  I am having a number of issues with them inside of version 14.0.1.  Is anyone else?  


Issue 1: my instant details for all the Scripture references don't pop up when I hover over them and if I click on them the program crashes every time. The instant details for all the Scripture references in all my other User Tools created in version 13 and older do work. 


Issue 2: a User Tool created on Accordance 14.0.1 will not open on my iPad which is running 3.3.1.  


Issue 3: formatting shortcuts (like command -b for bold) do not work in the User Tool editing window. I can only change my formatting by using the buttons.  


Has anyone else had these issues? 

Edited by dirrimp
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Hi @dirrimp,

I think some other people have had these issues too. This this was posted on the feature video thread, I want to make sure that @Silas Marrs is aware of this. Maybe he can let us know if this is already on the bug report list he has.

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Thanks. I'll repost it in the proper place too! 

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