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how can I copy the instant deatils from the bottom bar?


If i klick on "strg" I see the "treasury enhanced" for the Vers...can I copy this as well?

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to copy instant details, hold down the alt/option key and click on the word that is hyperlinked to the instant details - it will bring up the instant details in a separate box, click on the 'clipboard icon' in the separate instant details box -- you can then paste the contents into your word processor or note

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On Mac you can alternative-click (right-click) on the word and select Copy As->Instant Details.



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OR... hold click on the word to have the Details popup and then click on the Copy icon

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44 minutes ago, mgvh said:

OR... hold click on the word to have the Details popup and then click on the Copy icon


I don't know how many times I've accidentally done this, but never found it useful because it simply reproduced what I already saw in my docked Instant Details window. However, I've always been frustrated that when holding down the Control key to get enhanced Instant Details, I could never see the whole content in the fixed-size docked window. But this technique, when combined with Control, is great because now I can scroll through everything!

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