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How to type the symbol for the Armenian text?

Martin Z

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I don't know where else I could turn to help. Maybe someone from this community could help.


I need to type the symbol used for the Armenian text in the "Larger Cambridge Septuagint", as shown below. Can anyone help?





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I think what will help you most is a good Fraktur font. The Wikipedia page shows the font Rotunda which looks close to your A, though not exact.



Apparently, there is a unicode value for Fraktur capital A.




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Hi @A.D. Riddle,


Thanks for your help!

I would be satisfied with the look of Rotunda A shown on the wikipedia page, but the Rotunda font I tried does not show this looking at all.

The unicode Fraktur capital A is used for Arabic versions (see screenshot below), and I do not want to confuse it with the Armenian version used in the Larger Cambridge Septuagint. 😂




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Here are some free options. Not sure if they are Unicode. There is a little box at the top where you can type your own "The quick brown fox." The following seem to have designs of your "A."



Cloister Black by Dieter Steffmann

Old English Five by Dieter Steffmann

Olde English by Dieter Steffmann




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