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What am I doing wrong here?

Clint Cozier

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I'm looking in the Gospels for every time φοβέω is used without the negative particle μὴ. Here is the construct search, I've toggled on the search both directions toggle:


The strange part is I'm still picking up the negative particle in the results:




What am I doing wrong here?


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Hmm... first, I can't think of any instance where the negative would follow the verb if the intent is to negate the verb.

Second, things might be a bit funky using the Greek Bible (LXX + GNT) since they aren't exactly coded the same. Try doing the search separately for LXX and NA28.

Also, I think you need to have Scope set to Chapter (in addition to the Range limit you have set)

Also, since the verb is imperative, you are really only looking for μη root forms (and not ου forms)

you don't necessarily need a construct search for what you are asking. Try this in the command line:

φοβέω@[verb imperative] <NOT> <PRECEDED BY> <WITHIN 3 Words> (+μή)

That search is not perfect, since results will vary on how many WITHIN XX words you choose, and the μη may be negating something else than "fear."


Here, then, is where a construct search can be helpful, because I can search for a clause or phrase where the two words are (or not) together.

With all that in mind, this should be the search you want:


And that search still does not come up with the correct results, and I am befuddled why it does not.  ????? Anyone else figure out what's going on?


It does seem to work if I ask the opposite question, i.e., find all instances where the imperative of φοβεω is used with a form of the μη root. (And note that you don't need to use the WITHIN because it will search on the phrase, and you should only search one way.)



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Not certain what you are trying to find. The imperative isn't useful unless you really want to find an imperative. Negative commands with φοβέω can be in the subjunctive. I don't have all the bells and whistles you are using. A simple negation NOT applied to μή WITHIN 5 Words preceding φοβέω in the classic construct window works just fine. I tried adding imperative as a positive option. As if you wanted to find φοβέω imperative without negation and it worked fine. Adding and deleting NOT to both the μή and imperative for all permutations produced the expected results.

Edited by c. stirling bartholomew
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Let me ask this a different way. This works as a command line search, can it be done as a construct search? I think this is the same problem mgvh notes above. Something seems wonky in a construct search using the NOT operator.



Edited by Clint Cozier
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