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Logos 10 and Accordance 14

Accordance Enthusiast

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I see Logos 10 is out. It is much more expensive to upgrade than Accordance.

So, I am very happy about Accordance 14 and the new features and low upgrade price!


But when will we start with the Beta testing? I am sure that takes some time so it must start at any moment to finish it before the end of the year!



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Just my two cents, from the perspective of a customer, the two companies seem to have totally different approaches, and it is my personal opinion that Accordance is more dedicated to quality, as opposed to racing to meet deadlines. Accordance 13 is already such an amazing piece of software that I wouldn't mind if the developers need an extra 6 months or longer. What I think is important is making sure everything is working as they want it to first, since when there is time pressure, things can get overlooked. Regardless of which company is being referred to.

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Accordance 13 is already such an amazing piece of software





an extra 6 months or longer


I'm sure this is a typo for "6 microseconds or longer" 😄

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What I like with accordance

  • The bible is central
  • accordance is alongside me helping me to dig deeper
  • You pay for upgrades and you pay for content
  • Clear pricing

What I don't like about logos

  • The bible is just one of the many resources I have
  • logos is the middleman standing between me and the bible (whatever logos thinks I need)
  • Certain features are only included in the more expensive packages which also includes new resources
  • impossible to understand pricing
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It does feel like apples and oranges. Logos is bigger (in library size and user base) and I like their 10. But I keep my old MBP mid 2012 in my library. It runs Olivetree and Accordance 13 great. The logos 9 is sluggish (10 won’t be an option). I have little doubt that accordance 14 will run great on it too. Logos liked to call itself the Cadillac but like said car it’s not always the most practical thing ( or fastest). I remember one reviewer saying that they like accordance far better but because of their large library in other software they used it mostly. I am grateful  to Accordance for making a superb product at a reasonable price. And most of what you want and need is right here. And of course Accordance has a few gems that are found in it alone, like the current version of the New Oxford Annotated Bible. I am also greatly looking forward to the new edition of the New Jerome Biblical Commentary when they get it out. 


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I’m hoping to beta test Accordance 14 as well. My guess is Accordance is going to want to either get it out by ETS/SBL or have enough “sneak peaks” out before ETS/SBL so they can demo a fully-functional beta of it at ETS/SBL. I’ve never been to ETS/SBL yet (I really need to go to ETS sometime), but that seems to be “the conference” when Bible software companies can really show off their latest versions.


I’ve been disappointed in Logos 10 overall. I purchased the Full Feature Set (no libraries, and I don’t plan to buy any libraries) just to ensure I’ll have an Apple Silicon-native version of Logos when I get an Apple Silicon Mac next year, and since I had a chance to beta test Logos 10, I managed to pick up the Full Feature Set for about $64. Still more than it cost for Accordance 14.


Overall, though, I’m focusing more on Accordance as my primary Bible app and Logos as my secondary library app for books not in Accordance. I’m trying to cross-grade chunks of my library to Accordance and spend more time in learning Accordance more. I agree Accordance has much clearer pricing than Logos, and is way more affordable (in the past I had a crazy notion that Accordance was expensive, Logos was cheap, where I got that I have zero clue after comparing upgrade price differences! I don’t think that at all now!).


I also love the “Bible is central” UI of Accordance, and the fact that Accordance can run fast on older machines (I’ve always had to spend $$$ for a machine just to run Logos, whereas I managed to get Accordance 9 running speedily on a PowerBook a while back). I can’t wait for Accordance 14!

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With Logos 10 you can purchase all your material on sales in Accordance, and add it to your print library catalogue option to logos, if you'd ever need something from their search function. (which I don't know that I ever will, since I prefer searches in accordance a lot!)

Either way it makes me feel even better about just buying accordance commentaries :)

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What is that video they made to market Logos 10?  😂 If my wife wasn't asleep, I'd have been cracking up while watching that goofy thing.

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Good idea about adding my Accordance modules as “print books” in Logos 10. That way when I’m in Logos, I can see what modules I have in Accordance.


On the flip side, I also use the Logos Web App in the Accordance Web Browser to bring in all of my Logos books not available in Accordance “into” Accordance. 🙂 


The presentation video looked like they were trying to copy Apple. Overall I enjoyed it. They did a decent job talking up the few features in Logos 10. I’m glad to see that Mark at Faithlife finally upgraded to a full beard (I’ve had mine for about a year now, I’ve finally swapped out my profile pic to reflect it). 

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On 10/14/2022 at 3:17 AM, Schulschlus said:

With Logos 10 you can purchase all your material on sales in Accordance, and add it to your print library catalogue option to logos, if you'd ever need something from their search function. (which I don't know that I ever will, since I prefer searches in accordance a lot!)

Either way it makes me feel even better about just buying accordance commentaries :)

They might have thought of that. According to the marketing email I got from them today, “This new feature is available in Verbum 10 Gold and above.” So you can add print books for free, but only if you’ve already paid them well over $1000. That killed my interest in the new version, since I have no intention of investing in their products at that level.

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Just FYI, I recently upgraded my competitor's product that offers the "add physical book to your library" feature.  It is cleverly offered on the more expensive packages, but you can simply upgrade to the Full Feature Set which includes hardly any new books which I could care less about.   You don't have to buy a "Package" upgrade.   I buy books for value, not volume.  My Full Feature Upgrade was under $200 but your cost will vary depending on what you currently have. 


Now for the study the text side of the house, I am really looking forward to testing out Accordance 14 which is a wonderful value for what we will be getting!



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I did the Logos Full Feature Set primarily to ensure I have Apple Silicon Support. On the flip side, I can’t wait for Accordance 14!

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On 10/15/2022 at 5:03 AM, Nathan Parker said:

Good idea about adding my Accordance modules as “print books” in Logos 10. That way when I’m in Logos, I can see what modules I have in Accordance.


On the flip side, I also use the Logos Web App in the Accordance Web Browser to bring in all of my Logos books not available in Accordance “into” Accordance. 🙂 


The presentation video looked like they were trying to copy Apple. Overall I enjoyed it. They did a decent job talking up the few features in Logos 10. I’m glad to see that Mark at Faithlife finally upgraded to a full beard (I’ve had mine for about a year now, I’ve finally swapped out my profile pic to reflect it). 

Have you tried this? Does it work?

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Just to be clear, it is only a search feature. You can't add a book from your print library and read it digitally. I don't even think you can copy and paste any of the search previews. The searches direct you back to your library book(s).


That being said, if Accordance ever offered this feature I would use it. I remember that some Accordance staff (e.g., Rick) have sold all or most of their books, but I'm sure that others on the forum haven't, including me. And I won't be replacing every book and commentary set in my library any time soon, even though I would like to.

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9 minutes ago, Michel Gilbert said:

...I remember that some Accordance staff (e.g., Rick) have sold all or most of their books...


Yes, I'm down to only a few essential hardcopy texts to pass the time during Armageddon once the grid goes down 😏

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And I'll have enough books to burn in the wood stove and keep warm.

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I have tried the Logos Web App in the Accordance web browser. On adding print books to Logos, it is only a search feature, but I could still add them and tag them with “Accordance” so when I’m in Logos, at least I know what’s in my Accordance library. 🙂 


I’ve also really scaled down my print library as well. I’m keeping a handful of “desert Island” works in print so that like Rick, I can pass the time off the grid. I’m also going to try to Faraday Shield a HAM radio and power source in case I need to have an off-grid form of communication. Maybe compare reading materials with Rick?

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I moved to the other side of the world about a year ago. I have absolutely nothing that can't be had digitally in one form or another . . .. I'm not entirely happy about it. But choices had to be made!

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13 hours ago, R. Mansfield said:

to pass the time during Armageddon

Whether your Pre or Post Millennial, I hope to hear directly from Jesus during such a time and not need Accordance :)

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I’ve been using logos more over the past few months. I’ll probably get 10 before long. It is a professional tool, after all. However, I still find accordance a better user experience and I much prefer reading in accordance. I’m still trying g to identify why that is. Of course, there are things that annoy me about both of them and I’ve seen something about L10 being more text centric. I’m interested to see how that works. But the fact that I still haven’t found a way to do a simple ‘search everything’ in logos in less than 3-4 clicks/screens is an abomination and will forever make that app secondary. Why can’t I go to the  big search box in the middle of the menu bar and search everything?!? Just absurd.  

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My first experience with Logos was the demo version earlier this year and the in your face advertising on the landing screen deterred me from trying to use it. I tried exploring it a little and found it slow and cumbersome to use. Accordance might look simple, but that is one of it's advantages for myself.


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9 hours ago, cweber said:

Whether your Pre or Post Millennial, I hope to hear directly from Jesus during such a time and not need Accordance :)


Well...I'm neither, but we will leave it at that so as not to go beyond the bounds of the forum guidelines. My little joke wasn't representative of any held eschatological belief 😉

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On 10/13/2022 at 4:23 PM, Sacha said:

What I like with accordance

  • The bible is central
  • accordance is alongside me helping me to dig deeper
  • You pay for upgrades and you pay for content
  • Clear pricing

What I don't like about logos

  • The bible is just one of the many resources I have
  • logos is the middleman standing between me and the bible (whatever logos thinks I need)
  • Certain features are only included in the more expensive packages which also includes new resources
  • impossible to understand pricing

Logos pricing is more convoluted than Microsoft licensing. I upgraded to Logos 10 for some Wesleyan-Methodist resources then got their preaching suite because it claimed to include the print book library. The latter was a typo and I ended up returning the preaching suite and getting a refund. Logos 10 is finally approaching Accordance performance on my older Mac, but it still bigs down at times. I appreciate Accordance including features in the base app and then selling resources ad hoc. Packages are nice, but features sell an app.

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35 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:


My little joke . . . 


Rick, I thought you weren’t joking. I thought your "Hunter of Zombies" posts (here and further below) showed you are serious about preparing for Armageddon; your essential hard copy books would fit in your Wrangler and you would read them during hunting breaks. 😏



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8 minutes ago, Michel Gilbert said:

Rick, I thought you weren’t joking...


Well, it never hurts to be prepared. Hmm... and I do have 8 months of freeze-dried food for two stored away. Maybe I'm further down the rabbit hole than I realized. 👀

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