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Great Nation in the Torah Search

Dr. Nathan Parker

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I’m writing my PhD dissertation. I’m working on this paragraph at the moment:


The concept of the nation promised in the Abrahamic Covenant is repeated throughout the Torah, with Deuteronomy 4:6 forming the other bookend to Genesis 12:2 referencing the “Great Nation.”


In a previous seminary paper, I made a similar claim, and the professor came back saying Deut 4:6 wasn’t the bookend but another passage in Deut. Now I forgot which passage he said.


It’s been a while since I’ve done the research for this section of my dissertation, so I’d like to refresh my memory on the section. I need to run a search for the “Great Nation” in either the Torah or at least just Deut (in Hebrew). How would I go about doing it? Do I need to try an AND search or would a Hebrew Graphical Construct work better?


That way I can re-check my work and see if Deut 4:6 is the bookend or if it’s indeed another passage in Deut.



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Hi Nathan,


This should get you where you want:


'גוי גדול' [RANGE Gen-Deu]


You could use and <AND> search, but that would give you results for the two words anywhere in the verse (not necessarily contiguous) or a <WITHIN 2 WORDS>, but that would allow for occurrences (1) with an article.

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That searched worked. Thanks! Deut 26:5 is what I’m getting as well. Glad I double-checked it! I believe last time I ran the search in Logos, but I had a filter on it that left out some of the results. Glad I’ve run it in Accordance this time!

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