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Bible in a Year Plan

Dr. Nathan Parker

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Is there a Bible in a Year Plan in Accordance? I currently read my Bible in a Year plans in another Bible app. I’d like to move that into Accordance.



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Hi @Nathan Parker,

I admit I am not a "Bible in a Year" type person, so I don't know how helpful this is, but I think there are a couple resources like that in Accordance. The one coming to mind is https://accordancebible.com/product/butler-daily-readings-collection-of-four-4-works/


There is also this "Chronological Readings" by Lisa Lang, I know it exists since I have it, but I can't find it on the website. I noticed the Accordance Exchange also seems to have some stuff about this, so maybe I got it there? I don't know. https://www.accordancefiles1.com/exchange/tools.htm


I hope this helps,



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@Nathan Parker I've seen a number of plans in various software and also printed calendars but sometimes I wanted to focus on, as an example, the New Testament and plan on 3 mo, 6 mo, or whatever I want. Those plans don't allow for much customization.


I ended up creating an Excel sheet that offers more flexibility. It's not difficult to do so you may want to look into that too.

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@Nathan Parker I know that some of the study Bibles have reading plans in them, specifically the ESV Study Bible and the CSB Study Bible (I think)...

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1 hour ago, Tim Hall said:

@Nathan Parker I know that some of the study Bibles have reading plans in them, specifically the ESV Study Bible 

Esv sb definitely does and gives a variety of daily readings



Edited by ukfraser
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Yes, several of the study bibles have reading plans: ESV, CSB, Reformation, Orthodox (this is a 2 year plan and includes the Apocrypha). I rather like the simplicity of the Reformation SB plan. There are also a couple of plans included with Accordance (Chronological, Devotional). Plus the lectionaries. Accordance doesn't have a good way to create custom plans, but yeah there are some options. You should be able to find these under the Devotionals category in the library.

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Thanks! I have Butler Daily Bible Reading in Accordance. I may use it as I love Butler. I forgot his offered it!

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7 hours ago, JonathanHuber said:

Accordance doesn't have a good way to create custom plans…


Jonathan, I assume you are thinking about on mobile?


On desktop, I think a User Tool works great for this (especially when accompanied a saved Workspace that has things set up just like you want them):


Bible Readings


Jan 1

    Genesis 1

    Psalm 1

    Mark 1


Jan 2

    Genesis 2

    Psalm 2

    Mark 2


Jan 3


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My first read the Bible in a year plan was to divide the number of pages by 365. I started "In the beginning" and ended at, "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen," that is, I read it in order. The order is important, and the end is like the beginning:


"The tree of life was on both sides of the river, bearing 12 kinds of fruit, producing its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree are for healing the nations, and there will no longer be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and His slaves will serve Him." (Rev. 22:2-3, HCSB).

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2 hours ago, Michel Gilbert said:

My first read the Bible in a year plan was to divide the number of pages by 365.

With accordance, now you could divide the number of chapters or verses by 365!



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There is an IOS App called ‚ReadingPlan‘ which has a lot of different bible reading plans. You can open accordance with the bible of your choice. You can even have a different translation for AT and OT. And it synchronizes across devices. 

Edited by Sacha
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Good to know. Thanks! How do you like that study Bible in general? I’ve thought about getting it.


Also, have you read through any of Dake’s Study Bible? I thought Mark Allison worked for them years ago. I’m considering picking it up over Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

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On 10/8/2022 at 5:31 PM, Nathan Parker said:

Good to know. Thanks! How do you like that study Bible in general? I’ve thought about getting it.


If I had to pick a favorite study Bible, the OSB would be it. But I'm Orthodox, so... 🙂 


It does have some really good articles and notes from an Eastern church perspective, which is going to be different from any Western study Bibles. And the OT translation of the LXX is the easiest to read of the three or so LXX English translations we carry. The notes are also going to be of interest to anyone into Patristics, especially of the Eastern/Greek-writing Church Fathers (although some Latin Fathers are quoted as well). 


On 10/8/2022 at 5:31 PM, Nathan Parker said:

Also, have you read through any of Dake’s Study Bible? I thought Mark Allison worked for them years ago. I’m considering picking it up over Black Friday/Cyber Monday.


I have not ever read Dake. Although @Mark Allison doesn't work for us anymore, he might still have an opinion on it since, as you rightly remember, he worked for them years ago.

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1 hour ago, R. Mansfield said:




I have not ever read Dake. Although @Mark Allison doesn't work for us anymore, he might still have an opinion on it since, as you rightly remember, he worked for them years ago.

That is a real shame Mark doesn't work for Accordance anymore - I do hope he is doing well... his webinars were fab

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Thanks! I may pickup Orthodox Study Bible. Sad to see Mark go. He was a valuable part of the Accordance team.

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Really sad to hear that @Mark Allison isn't part of the Accordance team any more. Not only will I miss his "perls" of wisdom but also his Purple Accordance Workspaces.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hunt said:

Really sad to hear that @Mark Allison isn't part of the Accordance team any more. Not only will I miss his "perls" of wisdom but also his Purple Accordance Workspaces.


Same here.

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On 10/8/2022 at 6:31 PM, Nathan Parker said:

Good to know. Thanks! How do you like that study Bible in general? I’ve thought about getting it.


Also, have you read through any of Dake’s Study Bible? I thought Mark Allison worked for them years ago. I’m considering picking it up over Black Friday/Cyber Monday.


The Dake Bible was the first "Spirit-filled" study Bible, and has some historical value because of that. It also has some theological "idiosyncrasies" that people should be aware of. Dake was a literalist to a fault, and that methodology often took him to some strange places. He believed in the Gap Theory, which as a dispensationalist still allowed him to side with Old Earth creationists. I'd argue that his eschatological approach was his most significant contribution. 

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On 10/10/2022 at 2:13 PM, Leopold Green said:

That is a real shame Mark doesn't work for Accordance anymore - I do hope he is doing well... his webinars were fab

Thanks Leopold! 
I'm very grateful for the years I was able to work for Accordance, especially for all the friendships I made along the way. I'm working now as the Manager & Solutions Architect for Digital Content at Lifeway, but I'll be back visiting these forums as often as I can!

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I hope things go great in your new role! 

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8 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

I'm very grateful for . . . 


I'm grateful for your help over the years, Mark. Thanks.

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8 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

I'm working now as the Manager & Solutions Architect for Digital Content at Lifeway, but I'll be back visiting these forums as often as I can!


Thanks for your years of help, service, and hard work! You've always been cool and I'm sure you'll do great in the new job. Best of luck!

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Thanks for the info on the study Bible, Mark! My main goal in picking it up is to compare his dispensationalism with Scofield, Ryrie, etc. Someone in my position should probably know about it. 🙂


Congrats on your new role at Lifeway! I’ll miss you at Accordance, but glad you’re still involved in digital ministry.

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15 hours ago, Mark Allison said:

I'm very grateful for the years I was able to work for Accordance, especially for all the friendships I made along the way. I'm working now as the Manager & Solutions Architect for Digital Content at Lifeway, but I'll be back visiting these forums as often as I can!

Congrats on the new position!

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