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Babylonian Talmud (E-BAV-EF)


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Hello all,


I was wondering and hoping that someone knows the solution to this.


When I mouse over links in the Talmud I get a reference to the American Standard Version and a O.T. book that seems unrelated to the subject at hand in the Talmud (Numbers).


Does this make sense? What should the link point too?


p.s. I get a similar result for Talmud-N


Edited by dlrude
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You can control what comes up by going into your preferences and settings. I don't have this particular module because I don't like the Neusner translation of the Talmud; I pretty much don't like any of his works. Adin Steinsaltz wrote the best translation, especially the Koren volumes. Unfortunately it is not available in Accordance.

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2 hours ago, Mike Furey said:

You can control what comes up by going into your preferences and settings. I don't have this particular module because I don't like the Neusner translation of the Talmud; I pretty much don't like any of his works. Adin Steinsaltz wrote the best translation, especially the Koren volumes. Unfortunately it is not available in Accordance.

Thanks Mike,


I looked for such a setting in the preferences but could not find anything relevant or anything even set to "ASV".



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If you have the Babylonian Talmud Folio installed, the link should be directed to that resource. If it's not installed, the link defaults to your default Bible. The default Bible is set by right-clicking anywhere in T-BAV-EF and selecting "Set Tool Display". In this case, that doesn't help, because if T-BAV-F isn't installed, none of your default Bibles will be directed to the right point.

Screenshot 2022-09-10 at 6.30.19 AM.png

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