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What is the deal with Accordance 13.4.1 ???

Accordance Enthusiast

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Hi everyone.


I am always eagerly waiting for the next update on Accordance software.


I've been checking for weeks with no updates after version 13.3.3.


Now I installed Accordance on a new PC, and the version loaded is 13.4.1.


How is that possible?

The old PC still dos not show any available updates. I don't understand.



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I believe the only difference between the versions is that the later one allows for a 90 day full trial for new accounts, where as the old one would activate as Accordance lite if you hadn't purchased an Accordance starter package.


We are all eagerly awaiting for Accordance 14 to come out which has recently been announced as shipping later this year. I don't expect we will see many (if any) updates to 13.3.3 until 14 ships.

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Hi Michael,


Thank you very much for the clarification!


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