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Journals Question

Dr. Nathan Parker

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For those with the Galaxie Theological Journal Library, do you also own Semeia and/or the Journal of Biblical Literature?



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I do not. In an ideal world, I probably would, but it hasn't happened yet.

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I own Semeia but not Galaxie Theological Journal Library... I think Semeia has some fascinating material but it can make Hermeneia seem faith-based at times... I keep meaning to buy JBL but assume some day it will be on sale - given I have waited for more than 2 years I guess that means JBL isn't on the annual sales carousel so best just buy it


I REALLY wish Accordance would stock more academic journals


picked at random:


WAR, WOMEN, AND DEFILEMENT IN NUMBERS 31* Susan Niditch Amherst College ABSTRACT This study introduces some of the major issues and problems presented by the study of war in the Hebrew Bible and then focuses on Numbers 31, a text rich in themes of war and women. In comparing and contrasting Numbers 31 with relevant Deuteronomic texts, we come to understand the particular priestly ideology that lies behind this report of the defeat of Midian and more broadly show how portrayals of war in the Hebrew Bible are important guide-posts to the larger symbolic maps that underlie its complex variegated traditions. The war ideology of Numbers reflects a host of related attitudes concerning inside the group versus outside, male versus female, female virginity versus non-virginity, and clean versus unclean. The purity issue is especially important. To the writer of Numbers 31, war itself is a source of defilement, while the foreign woman’s sexual status marks her either as cause for the just war that exterminates her and her people or as marriageable spoils of war signaling the end of conflict.




CHARACTERIZATION AND READER CONSTRUCTION OF CHARACTERS IN THE GOSPELS Fred W. Burnett Anderson College ABSTRACT A “character” is a construct developed during the reading process out of textual indicators such as proper names. A “character” is also an effect of the reading process. When the reading process is taken into account, it is clear that characterization should be considered as a continuum on which even secondary characters may achieve some degree of “individuality.” On the one hand, as a construct of textual indicators and connotations from which readers infer traits, a character can be dissolved into the segments of the textual indicators from which it was constructed. On the other hand, as an effect of the reading process and as a paradigm of attributive propositions, a character may seem to “transcend” the text. In the canonical gospels it is helpful for the reader-critic to think in terms of “degrees of characterization,” and to plot textual indicators on a continuum that moves perhaps from “agent” to “type” to “character.” The difficulty in seeing a character’s textuality will depend largely upon the degree of characterization it has achieved during the reading process. As an example, Peter in the Gospel of Matthew is a “type,” but “he” achieves a higher degree of characterization than the disciples do as a group.

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53 minutes ago, Leopold Green said:

 I keep meaning to buy JBL but assume some day it will be on sale - given I have waited for more than 2 years I guess that means JBL isn't on the annual sales carousel so best just buy it

You can always Wait and attend the next eacademy or when there is a store wide discount. 

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1 hour ago, Leopold Green said:

I think Semeia has some fascinating material but it can make Hermeneia seem faith-based at times...


I love the way you put this. :)

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Good discussion! I own TJL in Accordance, Trying to decide if I need Sem. and JBL or not. I’m primarily a Systematic Major.


Accordance does offer store wide coupons off and on (including Black Friday/Cyber Monday usually). Great time to buy.


What are three or five journals not currently offered by Accordance that you would use in Accordance?

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Hi Nathan, sorry I missed this... there are two journals I would dearly love to have in Accordance:

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

Journal for the Study of Judaism (In the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period)

they would provide a massive boost on the academic side

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Those would be great to have. Thanks for mentioning them!

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bumping this one back up to see if Accordance might comment on any plans to expand current journal provision

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Rick just wrote this:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Side question: For those of you who own the TJL in Accordance, do you also subscribe to Galaxie.com’s TJL service? If so, why?

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