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User Tool Feature request

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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I really appreciate the ability to automatically turn Scripture references into links.  However, I discovered today that that feature does not recognize the use of . instead of : in chapter and verse reference.  The Jewish Study Bible (at least the 2nd edition) uses the . format (for example, 2 Kings 23.29).  When I copied sections of the Jewish Study Bible to add to my notes, I found that the auto link function did not work on those references.  I had to set them up by hand.

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Its not something id noticed before so I did a quick review of some of my study bibles and its inconsistent between the tools. 
Esv and zondervan niv use colons but both 1st and 2nd editions of the jewish annotated nt use a period. The first edition of the jsb uses a colon but the second uses a period as you say. the new oxford annotated study uses a period in the text but the title bar shows a colon. 

As they are not texts, the period setting has no effect on them so while you wait to get it sorted you may have to be more selective which tools you use or change your workflow if working with the ones you know will give problems. 



Edited by ukfraser
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This is for sure an issue. I do know that you can set it in your Accordance settings whether you want it to recognize a colon or period, but then it is sort of stuck there and will only hyperlink one or the other.


This said, I would like to mention that the reason I have never personally requested this to be changed is because I can see it causing even more issues if it recognizes both. As it is, I can safely right a period without it causing issues. So if I copy a resource which uses a period, I just go through and manually change it to a colon.


I do wish, however, that there was a way to have it NOT hyperlink certain things. Specifically the word "number." If I write the phrase "number 1" in a list of points, the word "number" hyperlinks to Num 1. I can assure you I will NEVER right Num 1 as "number 1" so I wish I could tell it to NEVER hyperlink the word "number". If I were to abbreviate the book of Numbers I would take more action than just dropping the "s."


The fundamental point being, if the hyperlinks are too sensitive, it will start hyperlinking all sorts of things. So if the colon and period are both added to be autohyperlinked, it would really have to just be an option that you could turn on or off. Maybe in settings it could have the option of a colon, period, or both or something.

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