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Resources switching when linked

Zach Thornbury

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I'm using few different dictionaries, all open in tabs. The Anchor Bible Dictionary is mine source, and I have Eerdmans and ISBE Revised linked to it, so that when I search something in ABD, it searches in the others as well. However, when I hit enter on my search, rather than staying on the ABD, it opens one of the other tabs. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Hi @Zach Thornbury,

I have not tried to link resources like you are describing, but I have experience something similar with CONTENTS. The issue is when I have a tab with a key, and a tab with the lex, then a third tab with the contents of lex NOT key. Then if I search for another word in tab which had been the key, when press enter to find my key or word instead of showing me the results, it will auto-snap to the third CONTENTS tab which had earlier linked the two tabs together.


I really wish it would not auto-snap to that third tab. Ideally, I would search a key and its lex, then the CONTENTS, then the next key and its lex, and then CONTENTS, etc, but I can't keep that third contents tab open since it auto-snaps there every single time I make a change to the two prior key and lex tabs.


I might be wrong, but I *think* the program is intentionally set to auto-snap there, and I think the reason why the program auto-snaps for me, is the same why it does for you, even though you are dealing with different resources.


Maybe this is more of a feature request for it to not auto-snap?



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Hi @Zach Thornbury,

I might be wrong, but I think it is either a bug or how the program is (likely inadvertently), but either way I think this is in contrast to being a setting that we can fix ourselves. Maybe @Tech Support can confirm if this is a bug or not and how to fix it.

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When using the [LINK] command, you are asking Accordance to perform three sequential searches. So, the tab that performs the last search is going to be the last active tab. You could put all three dictionaries side-by-side instead of using tabs. The results look instantaneous. However, you can see in my screenshot that Eerdmans still becomes the active tab.


If you did something similar with commentaries, you could tie the tabs together instead of using the [LINK] command. In this case, there is a verse reference in which the commentaries can scroll in sync or in parallel with one another. That's the sort of behavior you are looking for. However, dictionaries don't have that ability to scroll in parallel. 



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@Jordan S,

I often need to find missing keys of several words in a row. I thus have three tabs. The first is KEY the second is LEX and he third is linked tab finding the missing keys.


I thus put in the first key, search the first lex, and to the third tab and see the results.


I would like to then be able to put in the second key, search the second lex, and then go to the third tab to se the results.


However, when I put in the second key it autosnaps to the third tab which is pointless, since it is matching the second key with the first lex, as it autosnapped before I could search the second lex.


As a result, after each search I close the third tab, then do the second key and lex, check the third tab and close it, etc etc.


If I am understanding correctly, there is not a way to keep the third tab with the formula (so I don't have to re-add the formula each time). Is this correct?

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@Jordan S Having them side by side would be ideal, but just not how I have my workspace set up. I'd need another three or four monitors otherwise!


The reason why the final tab is made active, because it's the last active one being searched, makes sense to me. It's not ideal in my method of usage, but the whole program would probably have to be coded differently in order to change that behavior. Thanks for the explanation. 

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