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Hebrew word translated in the Greek Septuagint


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I may have asked help on this before, but can't seem to remember the response given. So, please bear with my repetitive question, which is, what is the procedure to discover how a word in the Hebrew text has been translated in the Greek Septuagint (LXX)?

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There is some discussion on that in these threads which may help until other chip in. 



Edited by ukfraser
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Thanks uk. I did find a video taught by Dr. J that was a big help. I brought to remembrance a lot of what I had forgotten. But, now I have a different problem. If the search results tell me that there are 20 hits, but I am only seeing 10, then what happened to the other 10? Anyway, if someone has an answer to that, I would greatly appreciate the input.

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Hi @pder3571,

The other 10 are probably unkeyed words. I didn't see the video you mentioned, but I assume the breakdown only includes words assigned to keys.

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Hi Kristin,


Thanks for the input. I figured it out. The 20 hits consist of both Hebrew and Greek words. I actually stumbled across the conclusion after working and re-working my way through the search, and after watching Dr. J's video about five times. As he put it, the overall process is not very intuitive and takes a lot of persistence. If anyone from Accordance is reading this, may I make a suggestion? Have someone write into the program a simpler process where the MT-LXX can be searched for English words using various English translations and the MERGE command. For example, how is the word sheol translated into English AFTER it is compared in the LXX and the word hades appears. The MERGE command works okay to go from Hebrew to Greek (or vice versa) to find those results. Anything beyond that to discover English results is cumbersome at best, and I would think given the sophistication of the searches possible in Accordance, writing a few lines of code could make the latter a possibility relatively easily. Anyway, just a suggestion. Thanks.

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