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trying to avoid triple click


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I think I can change this in settings, but I am not sure where or how. I am not sure if the settings are different for different actions, so I will describe specifically what I am doing.


I am starting with an English text and have a random word open and looking at the analytics. I see that this word has been translated multiple ways, and I can triple click each word to see specific verses using whatever translation.


With that as probably unnecessary preface, I have really severe carpel tunnel. It got bad enough that I moved to my left hand, and have thus acquired carpel tunnel in both hands. As a result, I just really can't triple click.


Is there a way in the settings to change the triple click to something else? I thought of the live click, but that seems to work just with the text and would not work clicking in analytics.


Thanks for any ideas anyone has.



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I mainly use ios so im not an expert but I seem to remember you use triple click as an alternative to amplify, so you could use amplify instead. 


heres a link to the amplify notes in help



and a link to the triple click explanation in help which talks about using the navigation bar for moving to the next word




I always struggled with triple clicking as it was a bit hit and miss for me. Double click is about my limit. 

Edited by ukfraser
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Thanks for the ideas, @ukfraser. I think you might be right that it is in there somewhere, but I think this is just about amplifying from a text to somewhere. I have checked in General, Amplify, Shortcuts, etc, but I can't see where to change the triple click function. Maybe @Tech Support knows.

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I can't seem to find any way to disable triple clicking, but you can do several things via the right click menus when you click on a word.  It's a change of work-flow but might help in some cases. 

Screen Shot 2022-07-30 at 8.57.11 PM.png

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Hi @Dan Langston,

Thanks for the idea, but the main issue is the Analytics. I can try to post a screenshot to make it clearer.


In the screenshot the text is showing "countries" and if I triple click on a new word of the list, such as "lands" or whatever, it will recycle and show that word. I am hoping that I just need to click it once to have it change words.



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