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Hebrew Accents


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4 quick (and probably easy) questions/observations (I come from Bibleworks; pardon my ignorance):



1) Hebrew Accents: How do I toggle on/off Hebrew accent marks in BHS? Couldn't find it under Options for Greek and Hebrew, and no tips under Search or Help



2) Analytics: How does Accordance calculate word statistics in the Analytics window? In my mind the number of occurrences of a word is an absolute number relative to the canon, not based on the variable option "Hits per xyz words". I don't understand the thinking and relevance behind the "Hits per xyz words" calculation.

Practically, for example, what is the best and most accurate way via the Analytics option to see how many times elohim occurs in Genesis? The red graphs are visually not precise enough - is there an option for a detailed numeric display of search statistics?


Programming Observation:

3) Verses/Words: Bibleworks recognized whether I was going to Gen 1:1 as a Bible reference or whether I wanted to see if "Gen" as a word occurred in the Bible; in other words, Verses Search and Words Search was combined. I could "go to" Gen 1:1 from the same Search Line as I could search for the word "elohim", without having to switch from Verses to Words. Very convenient. It also automatically switched my Search Version to BHS if I happened to type in Gen 1:1 while in GNT (a New Testament only version).


Product Availability:

4) Danish translation: I would love to have a Danish version of the Bible available (with standard options for all translations: old, new, critical-text based, Textus Receptus based, etc.).


Thank you very much; I appreciate Accordance!


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I can answer #3

Change the button that gives you options for Words or Verses to FLEX.  This will make sure you can put in either verse refs or words. 

Screen Shot 2022-07-30 at 7.00.52 AM.png

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1. There isn't a way to turn off the accents as far as I know. 


2. There are a couple of ways to do this. If you're searching the entire OT, look at the Table in analytics rather than the graphs. There you'll see both total hits by book in addition to the hits/word. You can also answer this question without even going to the analytics window if you restrict the search to just Genesis. The number beside the analytics button is the total hits.




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21 hours ago, Ingo said:

1) Hebrew Accents: How do I toggle on/off Hebrew accent marks in BHS? Couldn't find it under Options for Greek and Hebrew, and no tips under Search or Help

What you can do is download the Unpointed Hebrew Bible from the Accordance exchange: http://www.accordancefiles1.com/exchange/bibles.htm

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I believe the Anderson-Forbes edition displays without accents

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17 hours ago, mbcvida said:

I believe the Anderson-Forbes edition displays without accents


It does not have the accents, but does have vowel pointing.

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Thanks, everyone.

- Couldn't find the Anderson-Forbes edition in Accordance, but found an old Danish version on the .exchange site. Surprised that an accent-toggle is not a standard feature

- I see the total word count, but not a numerical tabulation across the canon - surely also a standard way to display search results/word stats? (For example, word x: Genesis 5x; Exodus 10x; Leviticus 0x; etc.)

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Thanks! I had typed in Anderson-Forbes . . . (need fuzzy search for sales! 🙂 )


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